My little man in his seersucker
Colby opening up his Easter basket!
I just love Easter for many reasons. I love to be reminded of Christ's love for us. I love the springtime and the feeling of rebirth. I love the weather. I love time with family and silly things like Easter Egg hunts.
As all holidays they seem to bring on an even greater meaning when you have a child. Today we began our day with church. I look forward to this family tradition with Colby growing up. I can remember all Easter Sundays growing up dressing up and heading to church and just the special familiy time that that was. I look forward to Colby understanding and learning more about Jesus each year. Last year he had no concept of God/Jesus. This year he understands to say "Thank you God" and fold his hands before every meal. Yes that's simple but that is where it begins. Next year I hope he will have a child like understanding of the real Easter story. We will do the Easter bunny but will try not to make it a huge deal I would rather the focus be on Jesus and going to church as a family.
Colby did start his morning by opening his Easter basket though. And what a priceless moment has he headed into the den and saw it and went "ooohhhh" so sweet! He loved all his goodies. His favorites though were the football and Mickey Ball. I think he also liked the car and truck too! He did really well getting ready for church. He got to were his seersucker suit which was really intended for last Easter but was too big. It was a little snug today but pretty much fit. He looked adorable! Like a true southern gentleman! He got lots of comments at church too! Its just sad that today will probably be the one and only chance he will wear it! Maybe we will have another boy who we can pass it on to!
Sunday School was really fun. We had Colby, Broc, and Cade. Cade is in the process of transitioning up from the baby room. I pretty much hung with him. Mrs. Shirley took care of and played with the 2 bigger boys! Cade did really well and I think we bonded over puffs! I swear those are baby crack! Colby cried when I left him for extended care but his teachers afterwards said he stopped quick and didn't fuss the rest of the time! Glad to hear that! He was in there with Broc and Glenn Paul! Funny how its all boys! They were busy playing with cars and trucks! The service was awesome. I enjoyed worship today. I look forward to when Colby can sit in worship service with us but I am thankful for the nursery right now so I am not distracted with a squirmy toddler.
After church we headed home and changed Colby and fed him a little lunch. I wasn't sure what he would eat over there so I didn't want him to be grumpy. We went over then to Mrs. Eva's house. Colby loved her backyard. He had a blast running around. Then he discovered the ham and had to eat a bunch of that. He was really good though to be running behind on his naptime! Even while we ate he was good. He just ran around and played! He ate some green beans and drank tea. He also enjoyed the brownie dessert! I was so proud he didn't get grumpy at all. Soon after dinner though he started running to the door and pointing. He was ready for his nap. He didn't melt down though. We decided to just bring him home rather then try to make him nap there. I am so glad though that he loves his naps so much! But he hung in there good until about 2:30 so that was about 2 hours behind when he normally naps!
It was a great day...I look forward though when he's really excited about hunting eggs. He didn't want too much of a part of it today though. He played with them and got a couple but wasn't really ready to hunt them. Maybe next year! So now we have all had naps and are waiting on our friends Josh and Laura to get here so we can continue celebrating haha!
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