Colby and Cade at the Children's Museum
Colby helping daddy bathe Allie
So Austin has been off a lot this week...starting with getting off early Sunday afternoon! It has been so nice to have help around the house and help with Colby! I will be at a loss Thursday when he goes back to work I'm sure!
Sunday night we were able to go to a Sunday School Fellowship. My parent's also kept Colby for the night. It was nice to go hang out with other couples and visit. It was also nice to relax that night and sleep in the next morning!
Monday morning I went to pick Colby up...even though it was nice having a break from him we missed him a lot! Austin had to do the yard first thing in the morning so when I went to pick Colby up I hung out with my parent's. Afterwards we came home and played inside until Austin was finished with the yard. When Austin finished the yard we went to lunch at Parrot Pete's. I had just been there last week with some friends and raved about how good it was. Colby did really well once again. He sat in the a big boy chair and ate and played with his cars! I guess the highchair days are coming to a close! We also ran into some friends of my parents from Calvary. They now live in TX so it was really a surpise to see them! We decided after lunch to go on to Target. Normally we wouldn't do this...we have always been in a rush to get Colby down for a nap. Well this week he hasn't been napping so we figured why are we rushing back...if anything maybe an extra stop will wear him out! No such luck though he still didn't nap that afternoon!
After we got him up we let him play in the backyard in his had been awhile since had done some water play! He and the dog had a blast!
Today since Austin was off again we took Colby to the Children's Museum. It had been awhile since we had gone. We went a lot in the spring but hadn't been much lately. Colby had a blast! It was funny because we saw many people we knew. First off we saw 2 families we knew from church. One being his little buddy Cade. They ended up playing by each other most of the morning. Then the MOPS group was there so I saw about 5 mother's and their kids from there that I knew but Colby didn't really get to play with any of those kids. On Tuesdays they do Toddler Time...well usually Colby doesn't really have much to do with it...but today he sat and listened to the story/songtime pretty much. I was proud since he will have to do this in school soon! He also wanted to participate in the art activity which was good! They painted with fly swatters which was a neat idea. After the museum we went to lunch then came home for naps. I was soo worried he wouldn't sleep. It took him over an hour to settle down but once he did fall asleep hard for a couple hours! I am hoping this gets him back in his routine of napping.
Tonight we had friends over for dinner. It was Brent, Kristie, and their little boy Cade I talk about alot. I really enjoyed having them over! It was the first time in awhile we had a friend over for Colby! Both boys had a blast and it was so cute to watch them play together. They are 10 months apart which the older they get won't seem like a lot at all! I thought Colby did really well sharing his toys too! We even decided to put them in the tub together since they were here at Colby's bathtime...neither of them were fond of this...I think if we did it again maybe they would warm up to the idea. Colby is very picky though about personal space so I think he just didn't like sharing his space. He's also kinda private already so he might not have liked the spectacle either of 4 adults leaning over taking pictures and watching them haha! It was a great night though...we hope to do more of that now that Colby is getting older! He needs lots of friends especially good Christian ones so we hope they stick around for awhile so our boys can grow up together!
Its been a great few days! We have another day to look forward too tomorrow also! Austin is off one more day! It will be sad to see him go back to work though!
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