So I will pick up this post from where I left off! Saturday was a good day! Colby and I mainly had a relaxed chilled day at home! We enjoyed another full day of not being run out of our house for work! We took a trip to Barnes and Noble though first thing. It was really time for us just to get out of the house so we wouldn't kill each other ha. While there I did pick up a couple books for about starting preschool. I also got Austin Drew Brees book we hope to read that one soon too!
Sunday Austin was off which was great! It had been about a month since we were all able to go to church together. It was really nice just having him around for all that! Sunday School went really well. It was just Colby and Cade again. Both boys did really well and played together nicely. Colby is about to promote and I am a little concerned that he will be alone now a lot and so will Cade...I am thinking about talking to the 2 year teacher about combining some Sundays. There is just no point to have 1 kid in each class with 2 adults. That's no fun for anyone! It was very nice to actually sit in church service again. It was a great worship service. Afterwards we met our friends Josh and Laura at McAlister's. My parents were going out of town so we had Colby with us so we just went with our standard quick lunch place. Colby did really well but a 30-40 min lunch on Sundays is about all he can handle! That afternoon we all rested and hung out and got some projects done around the house!
Yesterday (Monday) Colby and I got out and went to the park. It was the first day in a few days it wasn't raining! I ended up being so glad we went too because we met another little girl who will be in his MDO class. She was there playing with her grandparents. It was so funny too because they were just overtaken with Colby! The grandmother just kept saying how cute he was! The little girl was pretty cute too! Hopefully those two will be good friends. They played really well together at the park which was fun to watch! Wished I would have taken pictures! After they left another grandpa came with a little boy who was also 2. Colby and he played a little together his name was Blake. Its always so much better when we go to the park and kids Colby's age are there too! He is always wayy more entertained! Last night Austin got off work early so we went out to eat at Chili's then went shopping at Target! It was a nice family outting. We don't go out a lot at night with Colby due to bedtimes and just plain tired at the end of the day but its always fun when we do. I would have to say Colby was pretty well behaved to have been at the end of the day too! He ate a lot at Chili's which was good also!
Today (Tuesday) was another rainy day. I had decided last night to go to the Children's Museum with Colby. He always loves it there! I invited my parents along to go with us. They like seeing him play and it had been awhile since they had gone with us. He had a really great time and was in a great mood the whole time! He played really hard! He's always so cute there! He seems to learn more though each time he goes so that is cool to watch! The rest of the day once we got home we just hung out here since it was raining which was again nice!
Oh and to Colby's sleep habits! Things have improved greatly! He has been taking naps every day! I pretty much have to go in there and sit until he falls asleep though he has napped 1 day without me doing that. Sometimes I just have to go in there for 5 minutes and the other times I am there for up to 2 hours until he falls asleep! I think its the right decision though for now I feel a peace about it now. I think God answered our prayers by making me think to do this. I can tell he is catching up with his rest and not overtired and overstimulated like last week. He's also doing fine at night. We have had a couple times of him getting up crying but we don't turn his music back on and so I think he is learning that sleep time is serious. His wake up time has been from 6:30-7:30 most days. Most days now he comes and gets in the bed with me after Austin leaves for work which is fine. I also don't have a problem with him waking up especially when Austin is already up I can't help he hears his daddy getting ready it wakes me too most mornings!
Our kitchen is still in temp mode. No more work has been done since last Thursday. He is coming this Thursday to paint and do the final touches. Then hopefully after Labor Day he will install our countertops! It will be so nice to have it all done! I can't wait to cook in a new kitchen! We have been doing better without having to leave our house everyday so its been a much better week!
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