My little guy is getting big so fast! I can't believe he will be 2 1/2 in a couple months! He is such a mess right now. He can be soo sweet and adorable but then sometimes he can be so aggravating and acting like a terrible 2! I still love him when he's sweet and bad. He's so full of life and personality! Its fun seeing his little personality come out more and more. He's definitely a lot like me. He's so smart and so particular about things. He has a memory like an elephant and ears like an eagle! He still loves cars and trucks! He's probably going to know how to drive by the time he is 5. He loves pretending to drive in any real car he gets a chance to! I can see him learning to drive in the country in our future!
He really isn't a bad kid...he's very strong willed but that can be a good thing. A quote I have reminded myself of a lot lately is no president of the United States was a push over...I'm sure they were all strong willed as children! I was a strong willed child and now as an adult I feel like I have a lot of determination.
He loves school and has done really well. I can tell he is learning new things all the time. He can count and say his ABCs for the most part...he also knows his shapes and some colors. He loves Go Diego Go and Chuggington and Thomas he's into trains or anything with wheels. He doesn't watch a lot of tv though he would much rather be outside and for that I am grateful! He loves going new places and learning! He seems to have boundless energy so much in fact he has a hard time sleeping these days. I remind myself this too shall pass and just thankful he's so healthy and has so much energy and the physical abilities to express it!
He's still a really good eater. He only has a few foods he won't eat and even with those you can convince him to atleast try a bite or 2. He loves fruit especially grapes. He also has become a bread eater. He used to not have anything to do with it but now he loves it. He doesn't get it a lot but biscuits or sandwhiches are some of his favorites!
He has grown a lot I think since spring. But he still wears 2T clothes. He has been in that size now for quite awhile which has been wonderful. By spring I think he will need 3T though. He wears size 8 shoe and they are a little big but I am too cheap to buy a 7 1/2. I like his shoes to atleast last a season.
So that's just a little update on my guy!
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