Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Time

Today has been a fun day! We first got to sleep in a little...thankfully Colby let us all sleep until about 7:40 this morning which was so nice! Then we all got ready and brought him to our church's playground. We wanted to check it out because its like the one we are planning to get him for Christmas. We let him play for about 30 minutes and managed to snap a few cute pictures too in hopes of finding a few for Christmas cards!

We then went to the mall...our goal was Santa pictures and letting Colby ride the train...I know it seems early but with our trip to Disney World next week december is going to fly by. Plus I like to get it done early when the crowds are light. We went to Santa first Colby was hesitant and I didn't think he would sit with him but he warmed up...he ended up doing really well! I was so proud! We have made it through the 3 hardest years as far as crying...I think next year he will do great b/c he will really understand and want to tell Santa what he wants.

After Santa he rode the train...for some reason this year though he didn't seem as into it...he didn't cry and at first he was smiling then he put his hands over his ears. This is a new thing anytime he is in a new situation or a situation he might be nervous about he does this...not sure if he really thinks something is loud or he has seen other kids do this when they are upset I dunno. I think everyone thought it was kinda funny though! I just hope his little ears aren't still bothering him!

After the train we shopped for a bit...Colby had the most fun in PB Kids...he loved playing with all the toys and sitting at all those little tables! I don't blame him he's got good taste that is my fav store as well! I could spend thousands in there!

We then went on to eat lunch....Colby did pretty well but was a little more squirmy then the other day when I took him. For some reason he acts up more when he is around mom and dad. When he's out with one of us alone he's really good but with both of us for some reason he thinks he can act out more...hmmm.

Now we are home and all resting. Its been a wonderful day enjoying Austin being home and reflecting on all we have to be thankful for! I feel very blessed to have such a sweet, caring husband who spends his days off with us rather then out on a lake fishing or a golfcourse! We made many memories and I am excited about Thanksgiving coming up!

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