Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today was a gorgeous day so we took Colby to the was a little chilly but its so pretty so we had to get out! We decided to venture out to a new park/playground we had never been to. I had read reviews about it in a magazine we get. Its a KABOOM playground and brand new. Colby had the best time. There were about 12 other kids out there of various ages so it was good he had kids to play with. He loved the was as twirly closed in one that went really fast! He went down it about 30 times and just squealed every time! I am always excited to find new parks for him to enjoy!
After we ate we decided to eat at Chickfila. There is one close the playground thats not in a mall so we went there. It was busy though so we didn't let Colby play there since he had just left the park. Colby ofcourse enjoyed his chicken though or his "chichies" as he calls them!
When we got home though we were welcomed with a note from Animal Control. Our neighbors are on our case again. They called the police Wednesday night on us and then apparantly called Animal Control today. Neither one of them do anything and say we aren't doing anything wrong. We are about to get to the point of filing harassment charges on them. Its crazy! Anyways though we are still trying to take the Christian approach and be nice to them and show them we are Christians rather then being ugly but its so hard. They apparantly need lots of prayer since they have such a miserable life they are trying so hard to make us miserable!
So that's our day! We will probably spend some time outdoors when Colby gets up from his nap either riding bikes or walking or just playing in the back! Its been so wonderful to have Austin home on the weekend!

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