Wow today was a crazy, busy day but it turned out to be a good one. Austin was off today so we were very excited about going to church as a family. We began the morning by heading out on time but we thought we would stop by McDonald's to pick up breakfast. As we are paying/picking up our food Austin had ordered an orange juice and somehow between the exchange between him and the McDonald's worker he dropped the entire thing in his truck. Well by this point we were already running late so I was frustrated he was obviously frustrated b/c there was orange juice all over his truck. So needless to say neither of us was in a very good mood. We had pretty much pulled it together though by the time we got to church...lucky for us its about a 20 min drive.
When we got to church though I felt very rushed and unprepared. I like to arrive around 9 that way I am early and get there before the kids or other teachers. It just makes me feel more organized and ready to teach. I also had a lot more to do yesterday because me and my mom are stepping up to help organize and coordinate the nursery. We are in the process of having all the kids' parents fill out current information about them so we were supossed to get all that handed out. I also being a parent had to fill out Colby's form. So I get to our room all in a rush and one of the teachers is already there plus one parent and child. I get greeted with the information that one child has thrown up but it was due to coughing so hard. Anyway this was not how I wanted to start my day. I am very queasy when it comes to the stomach bug that is the last thing I want in my house...we had it twice last year and it was horrible! So I was not happy that my child my be exposed to that or the fact that he may throw up while he was there and I would have to deal with it. I continued on though trying to teach the class. Then one of my helpers thinks that Sunday School is a time to catch up and talk about your personal life which I have a real problem with. I am there on Sunday mornings to teach...I feel like a lot of people view working with the little ones as babysitting but its not you can still teach them things. I make sure every week to have some type of activity planned. I was trying to get the children to work with puzzles and she just kept talking to me so this also stressed me.
Well our usual "snack" time in Sunday School is 9:45 I make the kids wait until then b/c I don't think the main purpose in coming to church is to eat. Plus it creates a nice distraction when they start getting bored or antsy. So we always have potty time then snack time. Well I was taking Colby to the potty and he went but his pullup was soaked. He never has accidents...thankfully he was in a pullup though. So I had to get him back in the room and change him. Well then soon after that he got in a corner and I could tell he was trying to poop. I was hoping I would catch him before he did and I made him go to the potty but when we got in there he had already gone in his pullup. So change number 3....this never child hasn't ever pooped at church even when he was an infant! So I am not sure what was going on with him. So needless to say I was beside myself. I know all these things alone don't sound like much but on top of each other it was all I could do to not fall apart right there.
I made the decision that we needed to leave after Sunday might have been hasty but it made sense at the time and I am a firm believer that God makes things happen for a reason. So what seemed like a really bad day turned into a great one. We came home and all got in our comfie clothes and went outside and had church on the patio. We listened to praise songs and read our Bible as a family. It wasn't worship service and I am sad we didn't get to sit in church together as a family but this was worship and almost even more special. Afterwards we let Colby play outside until lunch time while we enjoyed the beautiful day!
We all got to take our afternoon nap and then we headed off to church that night. Well first me and my mom had to go at 5 to meet with someone about taking over the responsibilities of the nursery! Hoping it goes well...we have decided to try it until September. I really honestly didn't want to but I really feel like God is telling me to step out on faith and give it a try. Since I am not working and fortunate to be able to stay at home I feel like there's no good excuse! Afterwards we had our once a month Sunday night service called The Gathering. We haven't been in forever. Probably since Colby was 6 months just always seemed like such a pain to drive back across the river with a young child...but we are trying to get more involved and its not as hard now that Colby is older and he isn't falling apart by 7:00 anymore. He actually did really well. Its a very casual service. Last night we sat at tables according to our was cool to get to talk to other people. We made pillowcases for some of the elderly that are shut ins or are sick and can't come to church. We prayed over them as well. Like I said Colby did excellent. He went back and forth between me and my parents table but mostly sat on my lap and played with his cars...I was proud!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
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