This has been a very busy weekend! Yesterday was full. We had Austin's parents in. So we all woke up early and cooked a big breakfast. I was wishing I could have slept in a little though. Colby always wakes up earlier when they are here b/c they get up early so he can hear them. Needless to say we were all up by 7. We cooked sausage, biscuits, and eggs though which made it better! Colby ate all that plus a bowl of fruit! I am so thankful my little guy is a breakfast eater! I think it makes for a happier,healthier day when started with a good breakfast.
After we were all dressed we took Colby to the park. We had to stay close b/c of all the parades all over the city. We decided not to do another parade back to back since we had just gone that night. Colby enjoyed the park especially at first but he got bored since he was the only kid out there and wanted to leave. I made him stick it out an hour though. We didn't have much else planned and I knew he needed the time outside and I want him to learn to entertain himself sometimes and know that that is what we had planned today and what we were going to do!
We came up with the idea after about an hour though to go check out a local Farmer's Market. I have been wanting to do this. There are many around our city too. We went to one close by. It was a fun music, people selling lots of good food, and beautiful weather. Colby enjoyed just walking around exploring. We stayed about 30 min. I would like to go back sometime and stock us with some fresh fruits and veggies!
Once we got home Austin's parents decided to drive back home and get ahead of the parade traffic. So Austin, Colby, and I got lunch then settled in for naptime. I was glad we got some relaxation b/c Friday was a busy, tiring day! After nap we tried to go for a walk but that ended quickly with Colby falling. I decided to bring him home and we just played in our own yard!
Today was church. I was excited about us going as a family. Sunday School went really well. Colby was in the 3 year old room today with Emily. His teacher said he did really well and listened to the story. I am so glad he got to promote early. He had just been with me for two long. He had been in my ss class since he was about 6 months old and we both needed a change. Now that I am in charge of the nursery though I get to check on all the classes which is fun. Jonathan was the only baby and he did really well...another came during church though. Zoe was the only toddler and they took her walking most of the time so she wouldn't scream. We left after Sunday School since there was a big parade close to our house. We ate lunch out with my parents. On the way home (we drove by the parade) Colby got to see the entire parade from our car which was neat. He loved the police cars, firetrucks, and motorcycles! We even got close enough to the horses to roll the window down. When we did a horse stuck his head in our car then the man riding tossed Colby a pink elephant! Only in New Orleans at Mardi Gras would something like that happen! Colby thought it was halarious though!
Sunday night we had church again. Our church only has Sunday night church once a month. Its called the Gathering. Its a more laid back type service where we focus on missions and the family. There is no childcare and I kinda like that. I like that everyone young and old is together in one place working to serve others. Colby usually does pretty well at these events. He started out well this time but it ran longer then usual so he got antsy. He wanted juice, he wanted water, he wanted to get down, and ofcourse he wanted a cupcake....they have desserts each month to celebrate that month's b-days. He remembered that from January! So he kept saying birthday cake. Austin had to take him out a couple times but he did pretty well for his age. I just like that he can get involved in missions already at only 2. He helped us fill bags and throw things into buckets. It was a fun evening!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
So today was the start of the parade season. We wanted to bring Colby out to the night parade this year. This is actually his 3rd Mardi Gras but last year was his first parade he was just too young and too much on a schedule as a baby to fool with them. Last year he liked it ok but he was still kinda young plus he was getting over a stomach bug. I knew this year he would like it more.
Austin's parents were also coming in to visit us so we thought it would be a good time for us all to get out and go. We have had a very busy day though. Let me start at the beginning. First Colby and I got out this morning and went to Walgreens and got a b-day card and present for our neighbor friend Mrs. Doris. She is like a grandmother to me therefore, like a great-grandmother to Colby. She is always remembering our birthday and giving us stuff so I thought we should do something for her. Colby loves going to visit her. Anytime we take a walk we have to stop in at her house if she's home.
After that we just came home and played in the backyard for awhile. It was a gorgeous day. Soon after we got settled in for lunch and naptime. I didn't get a nap today which always sucks...I knew Austin's parents would be arriving so I couldn't really sleep anyway but they got here after 1. I knew Colby wouldn't take a good nap either b/c they rang the doorbell which usually wakes him up and plus they get in and start visiting and talking loudly and he knows someone is in the house. So ofcourse he came out at like 2:30...on a normal day I would have made him go back to bed but since we had company it would seem rude to do that. He had pooped though which I was glad b/c he hadn't pooped in like 3 days!
So once he got up we all played and even went outside for awhile. I could already tell though he wasn't well rested. We left for my parents house for the parade around 4:30. We had plans to eat dinner with them then walk down to the parade. We got there and ofcourse Colby played but he also was very whiny...he's always like this when he has the attention for 4 grandparents...I am so glad this doesn't happen often b/c he would drive me crazy! He just gets bad...finally I had enough right before we sat down to eat and put him in timeout. I know it probably sounds mean but I am the one that has to deal with him after the grandparents go back home and the hubby goes back to work...if he gets undisciplined for a day or so then it takes me a week or so to get him back! He ended up eating a good dinner though!
We brought him in his wagon down to the parade. I think he was very curious about what we were doing. There was a lot of commotion: horses, police cars, sirens, bands. I am not sure he remembered last year. He wasn't scared he was just taking it all in. We were kicking ourselves for not having him a parade ladder this year though. Austin would pick him up for the floats though. As soon as they passed though he wanted to get down. He couldn't really see though when he was on the ground. He finally took to just running in the neutral ground. He caught a lot of stuff though. We left about 2 floats early to get him home. We left at 7:30 because I knew we had the whole walk back to my parents then the drive around the world to get back home then bathing and putting him to bed. He was a handful too from the time we left the parade. It was 9 when we put him to bed and he still wasn't asleep at 10. I finally laid the law down to him at 10...normally I wouldn't be too upset if he had taken a good nap plus with company being here he will probably be up early too. Thank goodness tomorrow though we can get back to normal!
It was a good experience though the parade don't get me wrong. Hope we can make atleast 1 more with just Austin and I and Colby though before the season is over. He's still not old enough to totally get it but he got it more then last year!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today has been a fun day! It began with Colby and I having a pancake breakfast. Its not often we don't have to rush off anywhere and I can cook a big breakfast for us. Since we had no schedule today I made us blueberry pancakes and they were so yummy! Colby finished off 2 of them! I love making breakfast for my little family! Once we got dressed and ready we went to the park. This is our favorite thing to do when we don't want to go far or stay out too long. I took Colby to Confetti Park. When we got there we were the only ones at first. Colby had a great time playing in the cars. They actually have old children's ride on toys there which is a nice change. Soon a mom came with 2 little boys. The oldest was 2 and the youngest 1. Colby played a lot with the 2 year old. They both had their cars and trucks out there so they took turns playing it was really cute! Colby fell in love with the other boys yellow fact he wanted to take it home! Then another friend joined us with her little girl who is also 2. Colby didn't play much with her I guess he bonded more with the boy today but they did play some. I enjoyed visiting with the other moms as well! Colby had such a fun time we stayed an hour and a half which is rare! He only stays that long when he is having fun with other kids!
Tonight we had church. I had to work childcare again. It was Jonathan (3 months), Zoe (1 year) and Colby (2 1/2 years) in our room. I felt bad b/c I had to get a couple people last minute to show up. My regular workers for this week 1 didn't show up I forgot to call and remind them and the other ran late. I think the older group had about 5 or 6 kids. I felt bad that Colby didn't have anyone to play with though. He's almost too old for that class but too young to go in the other class. Zoe cried half the time then fell asleep and the baby obviously slept most of the time too!
I had wanted to do a bowling activity with them where they bowled for Bible verses but I never got time to go look for a bowling toy from the store. So we might do it Sunday instead. Colby always enjoys church though! He had a good time even though he really didn't have any friends to play with!
Tonight we had church. I had to work childcare again. It was Jonathan (3 months), Zoe (1 year) and Colby (2 1/2 years) in our room. I felt bad b/c I had to get a couple people last minute to show up. My regular workers for this week 1 didn't show up I forgot to call and remind them and the other ran late. I think the older group had about 5 or 6 kids. I felt bad that Colby didn't have anyone to play with though. He's almost too old for that class but too young to go in the other class. Zoe cried half the time then fell asleep and the baby obviously slept most of the time too!
I had wanted to do a bowling activity with them where they bowled for Bible verses but I never got time to go look for a bowling toy from the store. So we might do it Sunday instead. Colby always enjoys church though! He had a good time even though he really didn't have any friends to play with!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Last 2 Days
Austin has been off these last 2 days...I always enjoy when he is off during the week. Its a great trade off for having to work weekends...we get to do other stuff that most people can't do b/c they are only off weekends. Yesterday I had bootcamp so Austin kept Colby. I think they played outside and then I told them to meet me at a park when I finished bootcamp. We all 3 had a wonderful time! The weather has been great! Colby ran around and had a great time!
Today Colby had school so Austin and I dropped him off at school then went to the mall. We wanted to go ahead and order Colby a "big boy" bed. We had planned to wait until his 3rd b-day but he's already so close to outgrowing it and we weren't sure how long it would take to come in. I love the days when Austin is off and Colby has school its like a free date day for us. We stopped and ate a quick breakfast at the mall then went off shopping. We ordered him bunk beds full on top of twin. It should be here sometime in March. I can't wait to re-do his room. He seems too big now for his nursery furniture. We are probably going with a "car" theme and blues and greens.
Colby seemed to have a great day at school when we picked him up. They apparantly did some shaving cream art and played outside! I am so happy he loves school so much! We don't have much planned the rest of the day probably just staying home and spending time together!
Today Colby had school so Austin and I dropped him off at school then went to the mall. We wanted to go ahead and order Colby a "big boy" bed. We had planned to wait until his 3rd b-day but he's already so close to outgrowing it and we weren't sure how long it would take to come in. I love the days when Austin is off and Colby has school its like a free date day for us. We stopped and ate a quick breakfast at the mall then went off shopping. We ordered him bunk beds full on top of twin. It should be here sometime in March. I can't wait to re-do his room. He seems too big now for his nursery furniture. We are probably going with a "car" theme and blues and greens.
Colby seemed to have a great day at school when we picked him up. They apparantly did some shaving cream art and played outside! I am so happy he loves school so much! We don't have much planned the rest of the day probably just staying home and spending time together!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Weekend
Wheww its been quite a weekend. I am exausted haha. We don't usually have very busy weekends so when we do I feel like I get wiped out from them! Saturday morning Colby and I got out to run some errands. We met Laura and Josh and baby Jonathan at Sam's to pick up cupcakes for Lauren's baby shower today. We shopped also and then sat in the cafe and visited. It was nice to get out but I was exausted when we got home. Usually Colby and I only run errands for like an hour or so but we were gone until noon.
Saturday night we went to my parent's house to celebrate Randall's birthday. Its always nice to hang out with everyone and visit. Austin was late though I always feel bad when he misses out on most of the celebration! We enjoyed eating and talking though and Colby was a total ham! Its fun to see how much he has grown up when I think back on Randall's previous birthday celebrations! This year he was really into it. He is starting to understand the "birthday party" concept so all day he kept reminding me about the party and cake and presents haha.
Today was ofcourse church day but a busy day it was! We first had our usual "nursery duries" during Sunday School. Now that Colby has promoted up to the 3 year old class it frees me up to help out at the desk checking kids in. I like it from the point of view I also get to see what's going on during Sunday School in all the classes. Jonathan was in the baby room so I got to love on him some and hold him. It was so wierd taking care of a baby that small it seems like forever ago since Colby was a baby! There was only Zoe in the toddler room and then Colby and Emily were in the 3 year old room. Colby got a special treat again today in his Sunday School class. One of his teacher's brought cupcakes for Broc's 3rd birthday...well figure he wasn't there today so Colby and Emily go to enjoy. Last week it was Emily's birthday and they had cake. Well today the cupcakes were nice and blue...Colby enjoyed his and when I went in his room to get him he was covered in mouth, blue hands, blue on his shirt. I don't think he was really aware of how he looked. I took him to the potty in the meantime and he freaked out when he saw himself. My child is a total neat freak so this was not good. He immediately wanted to cleaned off! I had extended care duty today with the toddlers. For that time Colby goes back with the toddlers. Emily is 4 now so she feels comfortable with the 4 year old class but they are just WAYY too big for Colby. Since Zoe was there I just put him in a room with her. They both did fine...we took them outside and they both loved that.
After church and lunch out my parents brought Colby home. I had a baby shower I was helping out with so I had to go back up to church. The baby shower was really nice and it was great to get to hang out with other ladies and just visit and enjoy the shower but man was I tired when I left. Sundays are long days anyway but I didn't get home until after 5 today. I left the house at 8:30 this morning and by the time I picked Colby up and brought him home it was about 5:30...that's like a full days work! Austin is off the next 2 days though so that's exciting!
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Rest of the Week
We have had a great week....MUCH better then last. We are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather, sunny, 60s and 70s. I think spring has arrived! Wednesday Austin was off again so we went to the park that morning. Colby always has a blast and now that the weather is getting nice again I hope we can go even more often! After we had to go grocery shopping. That was the first time in awhile all 3 of us went to the store. It was actually fun. Colby did great and it was nice having Austin for some company I am so used to doing it by myself!
We came home and took naps and ate lunch then headed off to church that afternoon. We ate dinner up there which was nice. Its very rare that the 3 of us get to eat dinner there on Wednesday night....I am not even sure that last time that happened. Anyway we got to visit with the pastor too which was nice. I think he got a kick out of Colby. I worked in the nursery during church. We have started a new rotation and set up for the Mission Friends. We have one class that is babies-2 year olds then we have another class that is for the 3-5 year olds. There was actually a pretty good group of kids in each. We had Colby (2 1/2), Zoe (1) and Jonathan (3 months) in our class. I planned a simple art activity for them and we talked about talking to God. I think Colby got it but the other 2 were too young. Zoe might have enjoyed it more but she was crying most of the time.
Thursday Colby and I had our busy morning. He had school and I had MOPS. I was so glad he could get back to school this week. I think he was too! His teacher even posted a picture of him and her little girl playing on the playground! He loves school and I am so glad! MOPS was good as always. We learned ways to entertain our kids without screens or batteries. I loved this...I try to keep Colby from this stuff. We try to go outside and go places so that he does not spend a lot of time in front of the tv. Don't get me wrong I don't think tv is evil and won't allow him to watch it...we do spend a fair share of time watching PBS especially in the mornings when I am trying to cook breakfast, get dressed, and get the house in order. I just don't think its something that should be used to entertain kids all the time! When I picked Colby up from school he had his registration papers for next year. He came running out the gate and handed me that along with a picture he made and said "parents" it was the cutest thing! I guess his teacher told them to make sure and give that to their parents and he took that very seriously!
Now that the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer we have gotton to go out every day after his nap too which is nice! Today (Friday) Colby had a fun day planned. I have a hair appointment at noon so my parents were going to be keeping him most of the afternoon. Well my mom suggested that they just come get him early and would take him to the park and the mall for lunch. They have been wanting to do this for awhile. I know they will all have fun! I am looking forward to a little bit of quiet time as well!
We came home and took naps and ate lunch then headed off to church that afternoon. We ate dinner up there which was nice. Its very rare that the 3 of us get to eat dinner there on Wednesday night....I am not even sure that last time that happened. Anyway we got to visit with the pastor too which was nice. I think he got a kick out of Colby. I worked in the nursery during church. We have started a new rotation and set up for the Mission Friends. We have one class that is babies-2 year olds then we have another class that is for the 3-5 year olds. There was actually a pretty good group of kids in each. We had Colby (2 1/2), Zoe (1) and Jonathan (3 months) in our class. I planned a simple art activity for them and we talked about talking to God. I think Colby got it but the other 2 were too young. Zoe might have enjoyed it more but she was crying most of the time.
Thursday Colby and I had our busy morning. He had school and I had MOPS. I was so glad he could get back to school this week. I think he was too! His teacher even posted a picture of him and her little girl playing on the playground! He loves school and I am so glad! MOPS was good as always. We learned ways to entertain our kids without screens or batteries. I loved this...I try to keep Colby from this stuff. We try to go outside and go places so that he does not spend a lot of time in front of the tv. Don't get me wrong I don't think tv is evil and won't allow him to watch it...we do spend a fair share of time watching PBS especially in the mornings when I am trying to cook breakfast, get dressed, and get the house in order. I just don't think its something that should be used to entertain kids all the time! When I picked Colby up from school he had his registration papers for next year. He came running out the gate and handed me that along with a picture he made and said "parents" it was the cutest thing! I guess his teacher told them to make sure and give that to their parents and he took that very seriously!
Now that the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer we have gotton to go out every day after his nap too which is nice! Today (Friday) Colby had a fun day planned. I have a hair appointment at noon so my parents were going to be keeping him most of the afternoon. Well my mom suggested that they just come get him early and would take him to the park and the mall for lunch. They have been wanting to do this for awhile. I know they will all have fun! I am looking forward to a little bit of quiet time as well!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine's Date
Today Austin and I chose to celebrate Valentine's. We figured since he was off and Colby was in school we would go ahead and go out for breakfast. First of all I was so glad Colby could return to school today. It was hard though getting back in that "school routine" this morning. He was even a little unsure when we dropped him off but I think its b/c Austin and I were both there. He was probably afraid he was going to miss out on something.
We went to eat breakfast at a place called Stanley's. It was so good! It was also so nice to eat in peace and be able to visit. Afterwards we were right by the Louisiana State Museum so we decided to go in and see the Katrina exhibit. It was really good. I was so glad we got to see it. It brought back a flood of memories though of how horrible things were. It many ways that now seems like a lifetime ago. So many things have changed since then. Anyway the museum presented it very well.
By the time we finished there it was time to go back and pick Colby up. We got him...he looked like he had a great day in school...he was covered in dirt. I am glad he got to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. We are planning on some outside activities this afternoon after his nap! Loving this "spring" like weather!
We went to eat breakfast at a place called Stanley's. It was so good! It was also so nice to eat in peace and be able to visit. Afterwards we were right by the Louisiana State Museum so we decided to go in and see the Katrina exhibit. It was really good. I was so glad we got to see it. It brought back a flood of memories though of how horrible things were. It many ways that now seems like a lifetime ago. So many things have changed since then. Anyway the museum presented it very well.
By the time we finished there it was time to go back and pick Colby up. We got him...he looked like he had a great day in school...he was covered in dirt. I am glad he got to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. We are planning on some outside activities this afternoon after his nap! Loving this "spring" like weather!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Today has been a wonderful day. Its been a low key day but a good one. Austin had to work and Colby and I went about with our normal routines. We don't make a HUGE deal about Valentine's day but we do like to do something special for one another. It doesn't have to be anything big or costly just something to show you care/love each other. Austin and I exchanged cards/notes. I actually wrote him a letter...something I haven't done in awhile! I used to write him letters all the time when we were dating so I thought I would try to relive that! I think he liked it! He had sent me flowers over the weekend. He sent red and pink tulips. I love when he gets creative and strays from the usual red roses. Don't get me wrong I like roses but I like original flowers on Valentine's instead of what every other woman in the world gets! We always buy Colby a small toy and book for Valentine's day. This has been the custom the last 3 years. This year he got a leapfrog laptop. He got a baby laptop his first Valentine's day when he was 6 months old. He loved that thing in fact he still drags it out from time to time to play with. I figured it was wayy to babyish for him now so he needed a new one. He loves it...he has played with it all day! We also got him a couple books and dvd.
I had bootcamp today so Colby got to spend the morning with my parents. It was so good for me to get back to a routine thing and for him to get to spend time with my parents and us have some "away" time. I think it did us both some good. He's been in a much better mood since and so have I! After I picked him up we came home and I fixed lunch. I wanted to do something special for him so I made a heart pb&j and mac and cheese. I knew it would be a lunch he would love. I don't fix "kid" foods all the time for him so this was definitely a treat! I also let him watch tv while he ate which he thought was great! Again it was a special thing for a special day!
We didn't have major plans fact with Austin working and me being so busy today we just got takeout. I did bake some valentine cupcakes for him and Colby though. We had a nice low key laid back evening. No hustle no bustle just spending time together! Colby does have school tomorrow so Austin and I are going out on a date while he's at school. We don't know where or what just that it will probably include breakfast! I think it will be fun to do this.
So that was our Valentine's nothing huge or spectacular but I enjoyed it and I think we all feel loved and appreciated! I also got a really sweet package from my friend Ashley today (Thanks Ash) anyway that made my day I love getting real mail! I will have to return the favor to her soon b/c I know she loves real mail too!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Weekend
So its been an ok weekend. Friday Colby had a dentist appointment. It actually went well. He still wasn't thrilled with the idea but there wasn't any kicking or screaming or crying like before. He was just annoyed and kept saying "ok ok" like get out my mouth now! Afterwards I wanted to go somewhere it was too pretty a day to go home but too cold for the park. I decided on the library. Thought Colby could stretch his legs there. They have this cute little castle thing kids can climb in but ofcourse it was closed. He did enjoy checking out books though we stayed about 30 min. It atleast got us out the house awhile. That afternoon austin came home early. It was nice to have his help because Colby and I have been at our whits end with each other since we have been couped up so much! We didn't do much that night though just hung out...we did take a family walk which was nice we all felt like we needed the sunshine!
Yesterday Colby slept in because he had a really bad night so once he got up and we ate breakfast we went to the park. We ended up at Confetti Park. There was a little family there with a boy who was 5 and a little girl who was 3. I thought Colby would have a blast and he did at the beginning but then he remembered his juice and it was all down hill. I don't usually let him have his juice at the park b/c I know once he is done playing he will be thirsty and plus there is no potty so I didn't want him to then have to pee before we got home. In the summer when its hot its different I let him drink and play but yesterday was cool and he drank a whole cup of milk on the way there. So he pitched a major fit...he eventually went in timeout then pulled himself together then got so frustrated that I scooped him up and we left. I was so angry! Here it was a beautiful day and he had that opportunity to play with other kids and he wasted it by screaming and crying...I know he was probably exausted though since he didn't sleep well the night before. The rest of the day was just our usual lunch/naps, then more excitement. We went out in the backyard after his nap since it was slightly warmer and when we came in we noticed our power was out. It stayed out for about 3 hours. Talk about not fun at all...ofcourse it was right as the sun was setting so it got dark quick. Wouldn't have been such a big deal if it were just Austin and I but making your way around a dark house with a 2 year old is not much fun. Once Austin came home we decided to just go out to eat. Colby was a mess at dinner too. I know he was overtired still and still reeling from being sick.
Today was church. I was never more ready to be there. I felt like we have been couped up so much it would do us both good to be around other people. I knew Colby was getting frustrated. I didn't care that I didn't sleep well the night before and had to wake up at 6:30 I just knew we needed to get out! It turned out really well. Colby's class combined with the 3 year olds b/c there was only one little girl in that class and it was him and Cameron in the 2s. It was so good having Cameron back. Her family was visiting today b/c her dad preached. Cameron was Colby's first ever friend. They were in the nursery together the first year of their life. We have continued to hang out with them though. Colby did really well in Sunday School. I hung out part of the time in there with them since there wasn't much else going on. I got to go to church which was nice to have the break from Colby. They said he did fine in extended care. I think they spent most of the time outside which I am sure he loved. I hope all this took away some of his frustration and pent up energy. I feel like I have already seen a slight difference.
I am now looking forward to this week getting back to normal...I am going to Bootcamp again tomorrow so Colby will spend a couple hours in the morning with my parents. He hasn't seen them in like 2 weeks or more. I know he will enjoy that too!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Too Sick to Party
Today was supossed to be one of Colby's school was also his Valentine's party at MDO. But with being diagnosed with croup and an ear infection yesterday he had to stay home. He is feeling much better. The coughing is not nearly as bad. We put him in the shower last night so we will probably keep doing that alteast until the weekend. We had already bought valentine's for his class so I wanted to give them out plus he was feeling better today so I figured he was ok to go and visit and pick up his stuff as well.
Poor baby I think was confused why he wasn't staying. His little friends were also so excited to see him. A lot of the kids must be out sick though b/c there was only about 4 in there and there is usually 10. His teacher gave him his treats and even took his picture. He acted like he didn't want to leave---he didn't cry but he just stood there a little confused. I hate he had to miss an entire week but I think his immune system needs time to recover. We will probably lay low until next week. Tomorrow he has a dentist appointment so we will go to that since he is acting like he feels better. Not sure what we will do Saturday maybe go run some errands or something. Sunday we will probably just go to Sunday School...once again not to over do it. I think he will be ok by then but I don't want to stay the full 3 hours...that's already tiring enough but after being sick all week I don't want to take any chances! I think we will all be glad to get back to some normalcy next week!
Poor baby I think was confused why he wasn't staying. His little friends were also so excited to see him. A lot of the kids must be out sick though b/c there was only about 4 in there and there is usually 10. His teacher gave him his treats and even took his picture. He acted like he didn't want to leave---he didn't cry but he just stood there a little confused. I hate he had to miss an entire week but I think his immune system needs time to recover. We will probably lay low until next week. Tomorrow he has a dentist appointment so we will go to that since he is acting like he feels better. Not sure what we will do Saturday maybe go run some errands or something. Sunday we will probably just go to Sunday School...once again not to over do it. I think he will be ok by then but I don't want to stay the full 3 hours...that's already tiring enough but after being sick all week I don't want to take any chances! I think we will all be glad to get back to some normalcy next week!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Croup & Ear Infection
So today we went to the doctor. I called yesterday and made an appointment mainly b/c of his fever...he never runs fever so for him to have 100 temp for 24 hours I knew something was up. This morning I was so glad we had an appointment b/c his cough was horrible. I dreaded going though b/c I knew there would be a million other sick people there. I was really stressed this morning I guess the whole staying in taking care of a sick kid and trying not to get sick myself really got to me. I broke down...Austin ended up taking off early to help me at the doctor and I am so glad he did b/c he took WAYY longer then I expected and Colby acted out a lot while we were there.
So the doc examined him and said he has croup. She said its coming from the back of his throat not his lungs which was good. I was glad that he didn't have bronchitis or pneumonia or the flu I was really worried he might have one of those. She also looked in his ears and said one was infected. I was dissapointed that he would have to get on more antibiotics for that. This is really his 2nd real ear infection but he has been on antibiotics 2 other times as more of a preventative. I hoped he wouldn't have ear issues and I guess still he hasn't had major issues with them compared to some kids. Its just this is his 3rd antibiotic since October. They also did a urine sample b/c we told them we thought he might have a bladder infection but that came back negative thank goodness. The doc really said since he was in there in January most likely he just never got over what he had then. Which is probably true...he probably had a week immunity and with school and church just got something else while his resistence was low or never truly got rid of the infection from a few weeks ago.
So needless to say he will be out of school AGAIN tomorrow! I really hate it too b/c its their Valentine's party. I think we are going to go drop of his treats though and then run to the grocery. I think we could both use an outting. I hope we will be able to get back to our normal activities by the weekend!
So the doc examined him and said he has croup. She said its coming from the back of his throat not his lungs which was good. I was glad that he didn't have bronchitis or pneumonia or the flu I was really worried he might have one of those. She also looked in his ears and said one was infected. I was dissapointed that he would have to get on more antibiotics for that. This is really his 2nd real ear infection but he has been on antibiotics 2 other times as more of a preventative. I hoped he wouldn't have ear issues and I guess still he hasn't had major issues with them compared to some kids. Its just this is his 3rd antibiotic since October. They also did a urine sample b/c we told them we thought he might have a bladder infection but that came back negative thank goodness. The doc really said since he was in there in January most likely he just never got over what he had then. Which is probably true...he probably had a week immunity and with school and church just got something else while his resistence was low or never truly got rid of the infection from a few weeks ago.
So needless to say he will be out of school AGAIN tomorrow! I really hate it too b/c its their Valentine's party. I think we are going to go drop of his treats though and then run to the grocery. I think we could both use an outting. I hope we will be able to get back to our normal activities by the weekend!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Another One Bites the Dust
Yes so another person is sick...that's right Colby! I have been waiting since everyone else we know and have been around lately has something I knew it was a matter of time. He developed a cough Saturday although I didn't think too much of it b/c he has had some type of cough since December. This one did seem more in his chest though. But he acted and seemed fine so we went on with our usual plans Saturday, Sunday, and even yesterday I took him out to the park and to the store. It wasn't until late yesterday afternoon I felt him and he felt warm so I took his temp and sure enough it was 100. All day though he played and acted like normal. He also ate fine too. We took it again around bedtime to make sure and it was down to like 97.5 so I figured the first reading was a fluke.
This morning when he got up around 6:3o I was still in bed he came in my room whimpering. I didn't have to get up until 7 so I let him climb up in bed with me and we snuggled. By 7 I knew he probably wasn't going to be able to go to school so I turned off my alarm and we cuddled until 7:30. By that point he was ready to get up. He was very whiny though and just not perky like normal. I took his temperature and sure enough it was back at 100. He ate a pretty good breakfast though. After a dose of tylenol too he definitely perked up and started playing more like normal.
I knew we had to stay in today since he did have a fever this morning. I had planned to run errands with him even if he couldn't go to school but since he had another fever today I didn't want him to get sicker or make someone else sick b/c of his germs. We did however get to go play in the backyard which was nice. He seemed to enjoy that too and it helped break up the morning! By lunchtime when I took his temp it was back down to 98.6. He still has that hacking cough but no wheezing or anything. I am waiting to call the doc tomorrow if he still has fever tomorrow or gets worse in any way. I hate to drive him out to the doc for them to tell me its a virus. I am pretty sure that it is b/c that is the only time he runs fever...even with bacterial stuff he rarely runs fever.
I hope he is well by tomorrow b/c I would really like to get out the house even if its for errands or the park plus we are supossed to go to church tomorrow night and getting out would be really nice since we have been in a lot more lately so we'll see!
This morning when he got up around 6:3o I was still in bed he came in my room whimpering. I didn't have to get up until 7 so I let him climb up in bed with me and we snuggled. By 7 I knew he probably wasn't going to be able to go to school so I turned off my alarm and we cuddled until 7:30. By that point he was ready to get up. He was very whiny though and just not perky like normal. I took his temperature and sure enough it was back at 100. He ate a pretty good breakfast though. After a dose of tylenol too he definitely perked up and started playing more like normal.
I knew we had to stay in today since he did have a fever this morning. I had planned to run errands with him even if he couldn't go to school but since he had another fever today I didn't want him to get sicker or make someone else sick b/c of his germs. We did however get to go play in the backyard which was nice. He seemed to enjoy that too and it helped break up the morning! By lunchtime when I took his temp it was back down to 98.6. He still has that hacking cough but no wheezing or anything. I am waiting to call the doc tomorrow if he still has fever tomorrow or gets worse in any way. I hate to drive him out to the doc for them to tell me its a virus. I am pretty sure that it is b/c that is the only time he runs fever...even with bacterial stuff he rarely runs fever.
I hope he is well by tomorrow b/c I would really like to get out the house even if its for errands or the park plus we are supossed to go to church tomorrow night and getting out would be really nice since we have been in a lot more lately so we'll see!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Weekend
So this weekend was supossed to be really busy but our plans changed a lot as the weekend approached and went along. Friday night Austin and I were supossed to go to a Rascal Flatts concert. The concert though got postponed due to bad winter weather. We ended up going to Randall and Elizabeth's house to eat pizza and hang out. They were supossed to keep Colby for us during the concert since my mom was sick. So we figured we would still go hang out with them. It was nice to visit with them for awhile. I think Colby really enjoyed himself. Although he was a little tired and ill mannered since we didn't get there until around 7.
Saturday we had our Preschool Valentine's Party. I was helping plan coordinate it so we got there early. Much to our dissapointment we only had 3 kids. One of those being Colby and another baby Jonathan who is only 2 1/2 months old. The 3rd kid was Katrina who is 4. I am glad she came. She probably enjoyed it more then anyone but I think she was lonely not having any other kids to hang out with. Colby did well and participated in the activities. He also I think would have had more fun if there were more kids. The rest of the day we spent just lazing around the house.
Today (Sunday) was going to be another busy day. We had church lined up then a Super Bowl Party tonight. Austin ended up getting called into work and Colby has come down with a cough so we opted out of the party. We did attend church this morning though which was nice. Colby went into the 3 year old room for Sunday School. He did really well...I think he had a lot of fun! We promoted him on a week by week basis b/c right now there are no other kids his age. Zoe was there but she just turned 1 and he is 2 1/2 so they can't play really well together. Although he did join her back in extended care b/c the 3s combine with the 4s for that and I just didn't feel like he was quite old enough for all that. From what I heard though he also did well in extended care. I was able to work on some stuff up front during Sunday School which was nice. I will probably teach the toddlers some weeks and also sub for Monica's class when one of them can't be there. It was nice that Austin and I got to sit in church together though.
This afternoon we lazed around again...Austin got home from work around 2...turned out they really didn't need him. Tonight we watched some of the Super Bowl but it wasn't nearly as exciting as last year.
I have Bootcamp tomorrow but won't be able to go. I am a little dissapointed but with my mom being sick and Colby having a cough I can't bring him to the childcare provided so there is no one to watch him. I hate to miss it because I know going back the next week is going to be hard. I guess Colby and I will have a low key day but we will probably go to the park and make atleast one other stop just to get out the house!
Saturday we had our Preschool Valentine's Party. I was helping plan coordinate it so we got there early. Much to our dissapointment we only had 3 kids. One of those being Colby and another baby Jonathan who is only 2 1/2 months old. The 3rd kid was Katrina who is 4. I am glad she came. She probably enjoyed it more then anyone but I think she was lonely not having any other kids to hang out with. Colby did well and participated in the activities. He also I think would have had more fun if there were more kids. The rest of the day we spent just lazing around the house.
Today (Sunday) was going to be another busy day. We had church lined up then a Super Bowl Party tonight. Austin ended up getting called into work and Colby has come down with a cough so we opted out of the party. We did attend church this morning though which was nice. Colby went into the 3 year old room for Sunday School. He did really well...I think he had a lot of fun! We promoted him on a week by week basis b/c right now there are no other kids his age. Zoe was there but she just turned 1 and he is 2 1/2 so they can't play really well together. Although he did join her back in extended care b/c the 3s combine with the 4s for that and I just didn't feel like he was quite old enough for all that. From what I heard though he also did well in extended care. I was able to work on some stuff up front during Sunday School which was nice. I will probably teach the toddlers some weeks and also sub for Monica's class when one of them can't be there. It was nice that Austin and I got to sit in church together though.
This afternoon we lazed around again...Austin got home from work around 2...turned out they really didn't need him. Tonight we watched some of the Super Bowl but it wasn't nearly as exciting as last year.
I have Bootcamp tomorrow but won't be able to go. I am a little dissapointed but with my mom being sick and Colby having a cough I can't bring him to the childcare provided so there is no one to watch him. I hate to miss it because I know going back the next week is going to be hard. I guess Colby and I will have a low key day but we will probably go to the park and make atleast one other stop just to get out the house!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Colby's Play date and crazy day

So our day started off really good. Colby's friend Kiley came over to play. I had set up with her mom for her to come over today so her mom could go back with the baby and get some rest. Both of the kids did really well. They played really well together and were very well behaved. She stayed about 2 1/2 hours. They played and watched Sesame Street and Clifford while I made rice crispy treats. Once they were ready I let them eat one and some goldfish crackers and juice. They were so cute eating their snacks and talking to each other. Then they got down and played some more. Then I got them set up at Colby's easel and they colored. It was nice for Colby to have someone over his age to play with. They played pretty well independently but at times I had to keep it going like ok what do ya'll want to do next or make suggestions like snack and art time...but other then that they played really well. I am sure soon they will go off and play together without any help!
Soon after she left things got crazy. Got a call from my parents saying my mom went back to the doc and now has pnemonia. I feel so bad...she was supossed to help out with this Valentine's party we are having tomorrow for the preschoolers. I just hope she gets better soon but this means we won't be seeing her for about a week. They were supossed to keep Colby a couple days next week as well. Anyways along with that news we got a call saying the concert we were going to was cancelled. Honestly I am relieved...I mean I was looking forward to it but I wasn't excited about getting out in the rain/cold plus with everyone being sick I don't want any of us to come down with anything plus I have so much to do to get ready for tomorrow. I know God works all of these things out. Right now I am just praying my mom gets better!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
This week hasn't been too exciting. Due to the extremely cold/sleet type weather we are having we haven't done much. Tuesday Colby had school and I had a dentist appointment. After my appointment I came home and Austin and I went to Target before going to pick Colby up. We picked him up a few minutes early though because the weather started getting really nasty.
We spent the afternoon around the house it was nice though. I really enjoyed the family time. It was raining though so we couldn't play outside or bikeride.
Yesterday was a boring day. I had to grocery shop which is always a not fun day with a toddler. I usually save one day a week for grocery shopping and chores around the house. I hate it but it has to be done. Colby is always so hyper on those days too b/c he can't get out. It was also too cold to play outside. We orginally had planned to go to church which I was excited about b/c it would mean we would be able to get out the house but plus Colby would be able to play with other kids. Well it started sleeting around the time we were going to start getting ready. I axed the idea of going. I didn't want to risk getting out in the bed weather or Colby and I getting sick. So we stayed in.
Today Colby had school again which I was so thankful it didn't get cancelled. He needed the time out of the house. I had MOPS which was nice. I always enjoy getting to visit with the other moms. Once again though its too cold to play outside so after naptime it will be more just staying in and playing. We might have to do some arts and crafts today to keep us busy!
Tomorrow Colby's little friend Kiley is supossed to come over for a couple hours. This will be nice so he will be entertained! I told her mother who just had a new baby a month ago to take the morning to go rest or do what she needed and I would keep Kiley! It will be Colby's first official friend over day where the friend has been dropped off!
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