Friday, February 25, 2011


So today was the start of the parade season. We wanted to bring Colby out to the night parade this year. This is actually his 3rd Mardi Gras but last year was his first parade he was just too young and too much on a schedule as a baby to fool with them. Last year he liked it ok but he was still kinda young plus he was getting over a stomach bug. I knew this year he would like it more.

Austin's parents were also coming in to visit us so we thought it would be a good time for us all to get out and go. We have had a very busy day though. Let me start at the beginning. First Colby and I got out this morning and went to Walgreens and got a b-day card and present for our neighbor friend Mrs. Doris. She is like a grandmother to me therefore, like a great-grandmother to Colby. She is always remembering our birthday and giving us stuff so I thought we should do something for her. Colby loves going to visit her. Anytime we take a walk we have to stop in at her house if she's home.

After that we just came home and played in the backyard for awhile. It was a gorgeous day. Soon after we got settled in for lunch and naptime. I didn't get a nap today which always sucks...I knew Austin's parents would be arriving so I couldn't really sleep anyway but they got here after 1. I knew Colby wouldn't take a good nap either b/c they rang the doorbell which usually wakes him up and plus they get in and start visiting and talking loudly and he knows someone is in the house. So ofcourse he came out at like 2:30...on a normal day I would have made him go back to bed but since we had company it would seem rude to do that. He had pooped though which I was glad b/c he hadn't pooped in like 3 days!

So once he got up we all played and even went outside for awhile. I could already tell though he wasn't well rested. We left for my parents house for the parade around 4:30. We had plans to eat dinner with them then walk down to the parade. We got there and ofcourse Colby played but he also was very whiny...he's always like this when he has the attention for 4 grandparents...I am so glad this doesn't happen often b/c he would drive me crazy! He just gets bad...finally I had enough right before we sat down to eat and put him in timeout. I know it probably sounds mean but I am the one that has to deal with him after the grandparents go back home and the hubby goes back to work...if he gets undisciplined for a day or so then it takes me a week or so to get him back! He ended up eating a good dinner though!

We brought him in his wagon down to the parade. I think he was very curious about what we were doing. There was a lot of commotion: horses, police cars, sirens, bands. I am not sure he remembered last year. He wasn't scared he was just taking it all in. We were kicking ourselves for not having him a parade ladder this year though. Austin would pick him up for the floats though. As soon as they passed though he wanted to get down. He couldn't really see though when he was on the ground. He finally took to just running in the neutral ground. He caught a lot of stuff though. We left about 2 floats early to get him home. We left at 7:30 because I knew we had the whole walk back to my parents then the drive around the world to get back home then bathing and putting him to bed. He was a handful too from the time we left the parade. It was 9 when we put him to bed and he still wasn't asleep at 10. I finally laid the law down to him at 10...normally I wouldn't be too upset if he had taken a good nap plus with company being here he will probably be up early too. Thank goodness tomorrow though we can get back to normal!

It was a good experience though the parade don't get me wrong. Hope we can make atleast 1 more with just Austin and I and Colby though before the season is over. He's still not old enough to totally get it but he got it more then last year!

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