So our day started off really good. Colby's friend Kiley came over to play. I had set up with her mom for her to come over today so her mom could go back with the baby and get some rest. Both of the kids did really well. They played really well together and were very well behaved. She stayed about 2 1/2 hours. They played and watched Sesame Street and Clifford while I made rice crispy treats. Once they were ready I let them eat one and some goldfish crackers and juice. They were so cute eating their snacks and talking to each other. Then they got down and played some more. Then I got them set up at Colby's easel and they colored. It was nice for Colby to have someone over his age to play with. They played pretty well independently but at times I had to keep it going like ok what do ya'll want to do next or make suggestions like snack and art time...but other then that they played really well. I am sure soon they will go off and play together without any help!
Soon after she left things got crazy. Got a call from my parents saying my mom went back to the doc and now has pnemonia. I feel so bad...she was supossed to help out with this Valentine's party we are having tomorrow for the preschoolers. I just hope she gets better soon but this means we won't be seeing her for about a week. They were supossed to keep Colby a couple days next week as well. Anyways along with that news we got a call saying the concert we were going to was cancelled. Honestly I am relieved...I mean I was looking forward to it but I wasn't excited about getting out in the rain/cold plus with everyone being sick I don't want any of us to come down with anything plus I have so much to do to get ready for tomorrow. I know God works all of these things out. Right now I am just praying my mom gets better!
Isn't amazing how He does too! I'm glad you aren't disappointed about the concert. Keep me updated about your mom- we're praying.