Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our Week

Whew we have already had such a busy week and its only halfway over! Austin was off this week 3 days so that made for some fun/busy times! Monday I had my doctor's appointment so he brought colby into school that morning. Since it was my glucose test he also met me at the doctor after dropping Colby off. Luckily we were out by a little after 10 so we still had time to come home and rest/get things done before heading back out to pick him up. We arrived at school and went to peek at his class on the playground...little did we know the disturbance we would cause. Colby saw us and was fine but then when we told him we would see him inside and walked off he started wailing. He was mainly calling after Austin. For some reason he is more dramatic around daddy then he is mommy =). He dropped into an all out fit when we got inside. I was surprised to see this side of him at school b/c he never even did that last year! When we got back to the car and he pulled it together we decided to stop and eat lunch at Wendy's. It takes so long to come home and cook after school that especially when Austin is off we usually pick something up or go eat somewhere. That afternoon after naps we ran a couple errands and came back to the house and cooked dinner. After dinner Austin and Colby went on a bikeride. We were doing lots of bikerides in the spring but since I got pregnant and the weather got so hot we haven't been at all well Colby started begging us Monday. I hate I couldn't go but I don't think being 7 months pregnant I should exactly be on a bike!

Tuesday we decided to take a family day and go to the Insectarium. We always try to plan atleast one fun thing for Colby when Austin is off on a week day. I love taking him to different places and letting him explore. This was his 3rd trip there. We have gone each September since he was 1. Each year I think he "gets" a little more but he still isn't as intrigued with the bugs as I had hoped. This time I think he was even more "bored" then he was the previous trips. Before he was intrigued by pretty much anything and just walking around but now that he's older and has developed certain interests bugs were definitely not his thing. He still enjoyed it I think. We were finished in an hour or less though! After the museum we went uptown to eat at La Madeline's. We all really enjoy it! Colby had a turkey sandwhich and he loves riding down St. charles and seeing the streetcars or "carstreets" as he calls them! After lunch we came home and took it easy. We just pretty much hung out around the house the rest of the day. Austin did yardwork so Colby got to play outside a lot while I caught up on inside housework!
Wednesday Colby had school so Austin and I both brought him in. He was excited to go. I think he's really enjoying school this year. Now with him going 3 days a week it seems like he goes all the time. Austin and I came home to do a few things then we went to Lowe's to get paint for Lindsay's room. We have a contractor coming out this week to do some work so he's going to paint the room for us. When we picked Colby up we just picked up sandwhiches and came home to eat. We were wanting to get ready for naptime soon b/c we had church last night. We don't go often on Wednesday nights especially now that I am pregnant just b/c its so hard to get out at night and I'm so tired. But I had childcare so we had to go. Colby always enjoys going although he thinks he's just there to play. Choir/music class started up last night for the preschoolers 3-5 year olds. I was glad b/c its so hard to keep up with that age group. It took some convincing to get him to go but I knew he would have fun once he went. I also think it was good for him to be with someone other then my mom or me. He thinks he owns/runs the nursery since his mommy and grammy are in charge. I know its hard for him to understand that when we go up there and work he can play with anything but then when we are there for church he has to go on to his class. He seemed happy when we picked him up so I know he had fun. I think it was just him and 2 little girls. I worked in the nursery with the babies. It ended up only being Jonathan. So his mom Laura and I stayed there with him. It was good to only have 1 kid and get to visit with her. I was so tired I honestly didn't have a lot of energy to give towards kids anyway!
Now to get back into some type of routine around here since austin goes back to work Thursday!

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