So we survived our first week without daddy. Austin has been gone a night or 2 here and there since Colby was born but never for an entire week. I worried a little about how we would do but I figured we could stay busy enough to make the week go by and we did! I am actually surprised now looking back how fast the week did go. But we did miss him a WHOLE lot and are so ready to see him tonight. Here's a look at how we kept busy this week!
Monday- Colby had school that morning and I had a doctor's appointment. Both helped to make that morning/day go by. That afternoon we went over to my parent's house for dinner. We figured getting out the house at night would also help our week go by quicker. My mom cooked spaghetti for us and we enjoyed visiting and hanging out with them!
Tuesday- We went over to the church this day to work in the nursery. My mom and I had a few "housekeeping" things to do and plus Colby always enjoys playing in there. We worked for a couple hours then had lunch at McAlister's. We didn't get home until about 2 which really made our day fly by. We were going to have a dinner date that night with friends but with our long, busy morning and Colby having a cough we decided to take it easy that night and just eat leftovers.
Wednesday- Colby had school again. While he was in school I did the grocery shopping. That afternoon we rested and I tried to clean up the house. That evening we were going to spend the night with my parents. The original plan was to also go to church but once again with Colby's cough not getting any better we decided not to go. Instead we went to eat at Applebees then went back to my parent's house. We enjoyed getting out and having something to break up our week but neither of us slept well. It was fun though being back at my parent's house. We haven't slept over there like that since colby was about 8 months old. I know my parents enjoyed having us around for a night too!
Thursday- We went to eat breakfast with my parents and brother that morning at Parrot Pete's. We do this on occassion. Its really yummy and nice to visit over breakfast. It works out better then dinner b/c everyone is fresh and not tired at the end of the day! Plus Colby loves his pancake breakfasts! Afterwards we went with my parents to Target. Afterwards we were pretty anxious to get home and relax. Colby was still coughing so we decided not to do anything that evening. I ordered pizza though for Colby and I and we just had a stay in day. We did get to play outside.
Friday- Colby was supossed to have school but we found out late Thursday afternoon that school was cancelled due to water being shut off. I was dissapointed b/c I was really looking forward to the break that morning. I also was a little relieved b/c with Colby still being sick and thinking he should go to the doc I was glad he wouldn't be missing school and he would have an extra day to recover. So that morning we went to the doctor. We had to wait about 30 minutes but then once we got back to the room the doctor came in immediately. The doctor checked him out and said he had bronchitis. He said his ears and throat were clear and he had no wheezing. He did give us a prescription for albuterol. This is second time having this...he had bronchiolitis at 6 months old. The doctor said most likely it was due to stuff in the air I think he might have had a slight cold or allergies and it just progressed to bronchitis. I hope he doesn't always get this..Austin and my brother are very prone to it. Luckily in 3 years he's only had it twice so I guess that's not too bad I have friends whose kids are sick all the time. I just wish he could get over the coughing. After the doc though I promised him a trip to the toystore. We usually only go to ToysRUs for his birthday and I like to avoid the place with all costs b/c I don't want Colby thinking he has to have every toy there is its wayy too tempting for me and him! Anyway we were going to go there a few weeks ago while we waited on Austin to get his truck serviced but when we tried to go in they were closed so Colby remembered that and knew next time we went to the doc we would go back. Luckily we made it out with only a small blue truck for him. He was very thrifty in what he picked out so I let him get it! We also bought some baby things like bottles and breastfeeding supplies since they have a big baby section as well! After shopping we dropped of Colby's prescription and headed home. It was so nice knowing Austin would be in that night. We napped and cleaned up the house a little! He got home right at dinner time and it was so nice to be together as a family that night. We missed him so much! Colby was soo happy to see him! Although I can say we did fine by ourselves...I am glad that we were able to have a good week on our own. A lot of my friends would have gone to stay with their parents the whole time but I believe in being independent and honestly it wasn't really that bad! Colby and I took care of each other I kinda enjoyed bonding with my little man! Probably the last time we will be together like that alone for a looong time!
Friday, September 30, 2011
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