Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our Week

So far we are having a really great week. Monday Colby had school. I actually drove him with lindsay for the first time in a month I think. When both kids got sick I took a break from bringing him b/c I didn't want to get Lindsay out much. It was nice to bring him again and ofcourse everyone enjoyed seeing Miss Lindsay. She and I had a good morning while Colby was at school. My parents brought him home...I think I am going to have to start doing that most days b/c Lindsay has gotton really into a routine so I hate to mess her naptime up. We enjoyed our afternoon together and looked forward to Austin coming home.
He was off the next 2 days which are always a great thing! Tuesday we had our maid coming so those days we always have to get ready early and be ready to leave the house. I feel like we are such a circus those days! Austin and I are always rushing around trying to get ourselves dressed and ready and 2 little kids. Colby is usually running around like a mad man. On top of the Maria coming our bug sprayer also came so it was really nuts! I know our poor cleaning lady is always so ready for us to leave. It has become pretty customary for us to go to Lakeside on these days. Colby loves that mall. We wanted to visit a park too but it rained overnight so we figured everything would be wet and nasty. So we just headed straight to the mall. The train wasn't up though so Colby was a little sad about that. He always loves going on PB kids and the Disney Store. I was able to get a few things for their Easter baskets as well. Lindsay wasn't as easy this time to shop with as she has been. I think this was her 3rd or 4th time over there. The other times we went she has mainly slept but yesterday she stayed awake the whole time. She off and on fussed especially when we weren't keeping the stroller moving. We also had to feed her at the same time we sat down to eat. then after that we had to rush home so she could be put down for her nap. its a very difficult age...she is just like Colby in that she is in such a routine that she can't really nap anywhere she has to be home in her bed. So we are back to having these 3 hour windows to get out and do stuff which is hard. I feel bad for Colby too b/c he could have stayed a lot longer. we figured since we came home early we would let Colby play outside for awhile to wear himself out before coming in to nap. I think he enjoyed that and it makes him feel special b/c he gets to stay awake while his sister naps! We put him down for his nap around 1:30 well Lindsay was up by 2 so we really didn't get much of a break! We enjoyed the afternoon just relaxing and hanging out. Colby ended up not napping so he spent more time outside with Austin. He was quite grumpy though so it was an early bedtime for he and Lindsay!
Wednesday Austin was home again...Colby had school and a dentist appointment. It worked out well Austin being home b/c he was able to stay home with Lindsay while I brought Colby to the dentist then dropped him off at school. Its always nice to just be able to bring would have been tough to juggle her at the dentist and keep her in the seat that long. She is getting to where she is not fond of the seat and she will only sleep if we are moving. Colby did great at the dentist. He has done so well since he turned 3. He sits in the chair like a big boy and doesn't fuss at all! I dropped him off at school we were early b/c of the dentist apt and the office is right by his school but luckily soon after we got there his teacher pulled up and she said she would let him and Max (who also had a dentist apt) go ahead and come in. After dropping him off I came home. It was nice to have a semi-quiet morning. Austin was mostly working outside so it was just me and Lindsay. After Colby got home we all ate lunch then rested. Our naptimes have been cut short lately b/c Lindsay and Colby's naptime don't line up anymore. We have about an hour of no kids! That afternoon Colby played outside with Austin then we ate dinner and took a walk! As always we sure enjoyed having daddy home with us!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Rest of the Weekend

I would say we have had a good weekend. After Colby's soccer yesterday we had a good relaxful afternoon. Both kids ended up taking good naps which was wonderful since we had a few rough naptimes during the week. I haven't been taking naps this week but I still enjoy the quiet time when the kids are napping at the same time. I have learned though that even having one up at a time is not bad...I usually have a couple hours with Colby when Lindsay goes down then I have a couple hours with her while he's still napping. Austin got in early yesterday which was so nice! I love when he gets home at a normal hour! We went out to eat as a family of 4! It was nice to get out...both kids did great too!
Today was church. I am pretty much back full time on Sunday mornings now. I am returning to my nursery responsibilities. My parents have still been bringing Colby b/c they get there earlier then me plus today they had a breakfast with grandparents and I didn't want him to miss out on that! Plus its still easier to get everyone ready in shifts...its worked out well where I get Colby ready first then work on myself then by the time Lindsay is up I can feed and dress her then head out the door. Lindsay and I got to church a little after 9:15 so we were pretty much on time. She is enjoying hanging out in the baby room. She loves the bouncer! Both weeks she has done really well and not cried at all. I was everywhere during Sunday School...I worked at the desk some, checked on Lindsay several times, went and ate breakfast with Colby in his class, and checked on the toddler class. I am still trying to get in a groove again since I have been out several months. During church I stayed in the nursery to help with the toddlers...there were 5 kids in there. We had a 2 1/2 year old, three 1 year olds, and a baby. It was crazy! They were all pretty good though...the toddler age is just tough. They make a lot of messes, they cry when they get tired or miss their mommy and daddy, and they can't all talk yet. But for the most part they did great! It made me miss Colby at that age! They are just so fun to watch! I was happy to help out again but it sure wore me out! So thankful both my kids are napping right now so I get a break! Looking forward to the rest of the day though and the upcoming week!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Here are both kiddos at 2 1/2 months old using the Bumbo seat for the first time! Lindsay is on the bottom Colby is on the top!

Colby's Soccer Class Week 1

Colby started soccer today at the YMCA in Belle Chasse. I have been wanting him to play soccer since last year. He was too young last winter to play in a league and I think this year he was still too young for that. I found out about preschool soccer at the YMCA though and decided to sign him up. He hasn't really taken too much of an interest in sports yet and I don't care if he does or doesn't but I knew just the physical part would be good for him. Plus this way he's exposed to it and if he decides he loves soccer then great we will keep playing if not then atleast he got the experience. Plus I think organized sports is good for listening and learning to get along with others as well.
He seemed to have a good time. There were times where he was unsure and he wanted to come stand by me but for the first week I thought he did great. He participated in most of it and even was laughing with the coach by the end! He really warmed up the last 10 or so minutes. They played red light/green light and he LOVED that! I like that its just a time for them to learn and play games they aren't competing just learning the basics. It is a 7 week program so it just lasts a little over a month. I look forward to all that he will learn. Its good for him to also burn off energy. Usually Saturdays are our stay at home days which he gets bored sometimes we go to my parent's house but this way he will have something to do and look forward to!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Naptime Blues

Lindsay has started being very difficult this week at naptime which has made for a long, tiring week! I remember naptime struggles with Colby so I think this is normal. She does fine at night she rarely even cries when we put her down at night but Colby was the same way! The last 3 days she has cried, screamed at her normal naptime. Ofcourse since she is only 2 months old she is still napping throughout the day but since she came home from the hospital we have always put her in her bed for 1 LONG nap a day...which coincides with Colby's nap. This is for our sanity as well as to train her to always take this long nap like Colby did and still does. There are good days and bad days but a few weeks ago it got easier she was rarely crying and if she did it was just for a minute or 2 and it just took me giving her her pacifier back 1 time or something. Well this week has been a struggle. yesterday she fought for 2 hours...she finally ate again at 2 and passed out from then until 5 pm. I was glad she napped but it wasn't helpful for me b/c by that time Colby was up. Today she ate at 11 put her down she off and on cried until about noon...she finally slept until 1:45 which was great and she did wake up hungry but I tried to put her back down after that b/c 12-1:45 isn't much of a nap and its hard for her to nap anytime of day when Colby is awake b/c he is so loud so she can get her best sleep during his naptime I feel. So I put her back down around 2:20 well once again she fought until 3...I finally gave in and put her in her swing and she's asleep there now. I'm hoping its just a phase and will be short lived. She does fine at night so we will see...I remember this lasting awhile with Colby so hopefully she will outgrow it...I'm not sure if its separation anxiety or she's overtired or what...anyway its making me exausted b/c naptime is my only break and I haven't gotton it much this week!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mommy & Colby Day

Colby and I had another one of our special days today! We originally had a playdate scheduled at the park with our friends Casee and Jax but that fell through so I called up my friend Angela who has the daughter Kiley to see if they wanted to hang out. She said we could come over to their house. Its been forever since we have been there. Colby and Kiley were best friends last year but Kiley went to a different school this year so we haven't hung out since last summer! Colby did remember her though and was excited to go to her house! We stayed a little over an hour. They played inside and out. Its always fun to see him playing with a friend! After we left their house I figured I would take him to lunch...I asked him where he wanted to go and he said Wendy's lol. He picks the most random places. So we enjoyed a nice little lunch at Wendy's. I enjoy having these "dates" with him once a week! And don't worry Lindsay and I get one on one time too b/c my parents usually also take Colby once a week so she and I usually run errands or hang out at home. Its so special to enjoy them alone sometimes and totally focus on them!
The rest of the day was pretty tiring...Colby didn't nap at all...which now at 3 1/2 I don't expect him to nap everyday but we still make him "rest" in his room. By the time he was done "resting" was when I finally got Lindsay to sleep! She spent almost 2 hours screaming...come to find out she was just really tired and hungry...after eating she went sound to sleep! Austin was also late which made for an even longer day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Mardi Gras Y'all

So Mardi Gras is wrapping up in the city! I hate we didn't get to do more festivities this year but I am thankful we did make 1 parade! Its just so hard right now with 2 young kids. We could have taken Colby today since Austin was home but we just had so much other stuff to take care of around the house. We would have left Lindsay with my parents also b/c I just can't imagine taking her to a parade yet...I know other people take babies but I just wouldn't want to take a chance in her getting sick again! We have had a good couple of days though enjoying Austin being off!
Monday was Lundi Gras...we took the kids to the park that morning. It was a gorgeous day! Lindsay enjoyed being strolled around the walking track...Austin and I took turns doing that. Colby had a great time on the playground! We haven't been to as many parks lately so I think he enjoyed the playtime! After the park we ate lunch at Subway. Lindsay slept through it so we enjoyed visiting with Colby. After lunch we all came home to nap/rest. That evening we went over to my parent's house for dinner. It was Randall's bday dinner. It was nice getting to visit with everyone. Colby was really wound up...he loves the get togethers that involve cake! He's always such a ham! Lindsay did well but got cranky towards the end of the evening and we didn't bring her pacifier so she couldn't ever get settled down to sleep! I told Austin it had just gotton so much easier with Colby we could stay out later without him melting down and now we are starting over. B/c our babies are so routined they melt down at their usual bedtime/bathtime and its always time to go home. It makes life easy usually but when you want to stay out later its rough b/c they get so cranky! But I wouldn't trade the sleeping through the night at 2 months for anything?!?
Today Mardi Gras...we had originally thought about taking Colby to St. Charles for the uptown parades since Austin was off. But after my 2 hour ordeal getting home Sunday I wasn't really in the mood to deal with that traffic again. Plus we would have had to get my parents to keep we had lots to do around the house and errands to run. We watched all the excitement on tv though. I look forward to one year taking the kids down there though! We had a lazy morning then went to Target and Petsmart. We came home and chilled the rest of the day. I really enjoyed the slower paced days though with my little family! I think Colby got a little antsy today staying in but all in all I think he enjoyed his day too!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Going to Church

I thought I would do another comparison post...this is both kids dressed up and ready for church at 2 months old. It also happened to be the first Sunday they both stayed in the nursery!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Weekend

Well I can't believe the weekend has come and gone. Its been a pretty low key weekend for the most part. Austin worked late Friday which left me one tired momma with 2 kids. Luckily they were both angels Friday! Yesterday (Saturday) it rained ALL day! Colby was scheduled to spend the night with my parents b/c Austin was supossed to be staying in the hotel that night and it would just be a lot for me to try and get both bathed and to bed by myself plus get us all dressed for church the next morning. They weren't going to come get him until after naptime though. After watching the weather they decided to get him early before lunch making sure that no one had to get out during the worst of it. That made for quite a quiet day for me though! Lindsay was a peach so she was very low maintenance. I was glad to have the extra time I got a lot done but I was also lonely and missing my 2 boys. Especially by nightfall reality of spending the night alone was really setting in. I hate staying by myself...I don't get scared really but I don't sleep well and its just a lonely feeling. Austin called me though around 6:30 and said he was coming home! I was so happy and excited! It was nice to have a low key evening with just he and I and Lindsay!
Today (Sunday) I made plans to go to church. I knew traffic would be crazy being the Sunday before Mardi Gras but I really wanted to go. I would have stayed in except for the fact of 1) we have been in a lot more lately since everyone was sick 2) I missed the last 2 Sundays and 3) with staying in all day yesterday I was anxious to get out! It was great to be back and I am slowly working back up to my responsibilities in the nursery. Lindsay stayed in the bed baby room for the first time! She has been in there every week we have gone to church for feeding/diaper changes but I was always with her. Yesterday was the first time I left her. During Sunday School I was able to peek in and check on her off and on. For the most part she stayed in the bouncy seat and just talked and talked and kicked and kicked! She's such an easy going baby! I didn't have to change her or anything the nursery ladies took great care of her! I was a little nervous about leaving her during church service since it was the first time. The pastor's wife though was working in there...she is in charge of ec so that made me feel better. I think she was also the first one to keep Colby when we left him in the nursery for the first time. I enjoyed sitting in church without a child for the first time since November! After I picked her up they said she did great! Both kids did well...I'm so thankful they both like church and adapt easily. Since it was a big parade weekend I had decided Lindsay and I would come straight home after church. Normally we all stop at McAlister's and eat but I knew traffic would be bad so I was anxious to get home. My parents were going to take Colby though b/c he looks forward to that every week. Well I went home the interstate and it took me 2 hours! It was crazy! My parents and Colby made it home way before us even after eating lunch and going a much longer way home! I was regretting that I didn't just stay with them! I was so thankful that Lindsay slept the whole way though and never cried! It would have been very stressful if she would have been upset! We also made it home in just enough time for her next feeding!
That afternoon Colby, Lindsay, and I all took naps. Austin got home around 6 and we grilled hamburgers and just enjoyed relaxing! Its so nice knowing he's going to be home the next 2 days with us!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Colby's Parade

Colby's school had their annual Mardi Gras parade today only this year they chose to do it at the same nursing home that they went to at Christmas time to sing carols. I had hoped it would go better for Colby and I b/c at Christmas he was really moody and out of sorts. We only had had Lindsay home for about a week so I'm sure that was the problem!
Austin couldn't come with us today but in some ways i think it works out better just for 1 parent to bring him to these type of things he tends to act out WAY more when we are both around then when its only 1 of us. I was a little worried about how he would act b/c he got a timeout before we even left the house. He was also quiet and didn't want to wear his mask or toss the beads when we first got there. I tried not to pay much attention though b/c I think we made a mistake at the Christmas thing of making a big deal out of his misbehavior which didn't work for anyone! He ended up getting into it and having a great time. His buddy Max rode in the wagon with him. They had a great time giggling and cutting up towards the end too. Colby helped pass out king cake to the residents then enjoyed sitting at a table with his buddies eating a piece. I am glad he had fun and seemed more comfortable then a couple months ago. I love all his school activities and getting to enjoy that special one on one time with him. Thanks to my mom who kept Lindsay while we were gone!
The rest of the day was very low key...Austin worked really late b/c of Mardi Gras so we are all tired and ready for this weekend to be over! Our weekend won't be too exciting...rain is predicted all day tomorrow which means I will be staying home with 2 wonder how that will go?!? Colby is spending the night with my parents though which will be nice. I will get some one on one time with lindsay! Looking forward to getting out the house Sunday for church!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


These are my 2 babies right around 2 months before going to their 2 month checkups...just in case you can't tell the top is Colby the bottom is Lindsay!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Today was a pretty low key day for us. We don't go out really big for Valentine's but we do try and make the day special by doing little things. I woke up this morning and Austin had Valentine's cards for Lindsay and I. I look forward to as she grows up she will get to go on dates with her daddy. We don't usually go out on Valentine's just b/c Austin is usually working plus everywhere is so busy its just not worth it. We will celebrate later this month though with dinner and a movie! It will be our first time to go out alone since Lindsay was born.
Austin had to work and Colby actually spent the day with my parents. Normally I would have liked to do something special with him but we were having our house cleaned plus I had a couple errands to run that today was the only day I really could do it! I enjoyed the quiet day with Lindsay though. I am glad I am getting those thanks to my parents b/c life is so busy and I want to have those quiet moments with her like I got to enjoy when Colby was a baby! I had to go to a store to pick up a Mardi Gras shirt for Colby for his parade Friday and also to enroll him in soccer. Lindsay joined me on these errands and was a total sweetheart!
We came home and just had a quiet day until the boys got home. I baked chocolate cupcakes for them both to enjoy! The kids just got a small present...Lindsay got a book and Colby got a truck. We exchanged cards with daddy also. Austin picked up no fancy dinners here. I figured it was a treat though we didn't have to clean the kitchen! I am thankful for these simple yet sweet valentine's. I am just thankful I have 3 wonderful people to share my day with!

Monday, February 13, 2012

2 Month Doc Apt

Today I brought Lindsay in for her 2 month well check. It was nice to go to the doctor for a well visit after our last 2 weeks!! I hated though that she had to get shots today! Boo! The doc said she looked great though! She was very pleased to hear she was sleeping through the night. She also was pleased with her weight gain. She gained 2 lbs since her 1 month visit! She is now 10 lbs 9 oz and 22 1/2 inches long. I hope she doesn't have any major side effects from the shots! So far today she has been a little cranky but not too bad. I always remember with Colby though the 2nd day was the worst so we shall see! I am thankful for a well child visit and a healthy sweet baby girl. Big brother was at school during all this. He had his Valentine's party at school today! I hated I didn't get to bring him or pick him up to know more about what went on at his party but that's part of having 2 now! Austin took him and picked him up today since he was off. We had a low key afternoon...the boys worked outside while Lindsay and I hung out inside!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Weekend

Its been a cold weekend here in south Louisiana. I think everyone has thought it was really colder then it is b/c we have had a mild winter. In the whole scheme of things this is just winter weather. Friday Colby had school...that day I stayed in with Lindsay. I kept her in mostly all week trying to avoid the cold and germs since she was recovering from RSV. That afternoon after the kid's naps though Colby's friend Max and his mom stopped by. It was nice to visit with them for a couple hours. Mrs. Honey loved holding/taking care of Lindsay and Colby and Max had a blast. We all ate dinner then they left to go home and watch the parade. This is the weekend of the Westbank parades. We didn't go this year to the night parade b/c it was so cold and with us all recovering from being sick we thought it was best to stay in.
Saturday Austin had to work so I took the kiddos over to my parent's house to get out for a little while. Colby always has such a good time over there. Right now while Lindsay is still so little we have been going there on Saturdays...its just easier with her but it gets Colby out the house too. I had wanted to bring Colby to the parade since it passes by their neighborhood but we decided to stay in. My mom and I made cookies for him to pass out to his class on Monday for his Valentine's parade. We came home and all took naps and Austin got in early so he and Colby were able to spend time outside then we had a nice family evening!
Sunday he was off so I was looking forward to a nice day! Especially since last week when he was off we were all sick so we didn't get to do much. We weren't sure what to do with the day though. It was freezing cold when we got up...we finally decided to just skip church and hang out at home then do an early lunch at Applebees with my parents and take Colby to the parade. I hated to miss church especially since Lindsay and I had missed the week before too. Colby really wanted to see a parade though. It also gave us an opportunity to get stuff done around the house which was nice. Its rare that we have a morning like that where we don't have to rush off somewhere. I even got a walk/jog in by myself! I wish I could do that more often but its just so hard with 2 kids and a hubby who works a lot and I don't really like going alone at night! We enjoyed our lunch was the first time Lindsay had really been out in like 2 weeks. Poor thing has been couped up since she was sick. After lunch we drove to my parent's house to all take potty breaks then we hit the parade. We left Lindsay at home with my parents. It was too cold plus I don't really see the point in bringing my 2 month old to a parade. Colby had a blast though! He caught lots of stuffed animals! We didn't stay for the whole thing only about half but Colby was actually ready to go at that point. We then came home to take naps. Both kids were exausted b/c they slept until 5 and I had to wake them up! We spent the evening just hanging out as a family.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Post Office Field Trip

Today Colby had his first field trip to the post office! Today is not normally one of his school days but the entire class was invited to go. I brought him to school around 9. He got to play in class for a few minutes while we waited on the others to get there. I ended up driving us over there since I had a van several others rode with us. I had planned on taking Colby & Max but Mrs. Lyn his teacher also asked to ride with us along with Mrs. Laurie and her daughter Sydney. I think Colby liked having so many people with us =) When they got to the post office the first thing they did was stand in line to buy stamps for their Valentine letter they made at school, then they got to put it in the box to mail it off. After that they got to go in the back and see where their letter went. We got a tour of the whole process of mail from loading the mail truck, to how they sort the mail, etc. It was very informative...I'm not sure how much of the "facts" Colby picked up but he seemed to enjoy himself. I think he mainly enjoyed the company of his friends. The post office even gave them "treats" when they left it was a package with a coloring book, colors, and candy. I thought it was a sweet little field trip. I can't believe my little boy is already going on field trips though! I was glad I got to go with him and experience his 1st field trip! Lindsay stayed at home with my mom...we are still trying to keep her in this week so she can fully get well plus I want to try when either of them have "special" days to just take them so that my focus can be on that one child rather then their sibling too. I think its important to spend time alone with each child. And thanks to having grandparents in the city which I am so thankful for that is possible!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

RSV Update

So I took Lindsay to the doc today for her re-check. The doc listened to her and checked her ears and said everything looked great! She said her lungs sounded great and she would never know by looking at her that she even had RSV...I'm so thankful. Being sick or having sick children is no fun but I am so very grateful at this moment that it was not worse. The doctor said she was a very lucky girl. She is still congested and coughs occassionally but the doc said that could linger for a week or 2. She is due back Monday for her 2 month checkup so I will be glad to bring her in again just to know once more she's fine. They did weigh her today though and she is 10 lbs 4 oz. She's still a petite princess. I laugh b/c Colby was 14 lbs at 2 months! The doc didn't give us any instructions on keeping her in but I think for her safetey and others I will keep her close to the house this week. My parents will be bringing Colby to school so she doesn't have to get out and be around school age kids. We will probably get out this weekend if she's still doing well. If we go to church though i will probably bring her in with me even though we were planning to have her in the nursery by now I will just feel better giving her time to build up an immunity. We may hold off now until 3 months.
Our week is definitely getting better! Colby is also almost back to normal he still coughs mainly at night but his mood is greatly improved. He had school yesterday and seemed to have a really good day. Today he is spending the day with my parents since Lindsay had an early doc appointment. They are spending the day with him outdoors. I am grateful I think he needed the sunshine and freedom to run and play he was cooped up so much last week!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2 Month Comparison

2 Months

So our sweet Lindsay is 2 months old today! I can hardly believe it! Time just flies by with little ones! She's such a sweet baby. We thought she was going to be wayy more high maintenance then Colby but she has really mellowed out this month! She really only cries when she is tired or hungry. She's on a great schedule of eating every 3 hours and just started sleeping through the night a few days before her 2 month birthday! It looks like babywise has proved right again!

Poor baby though has experienced her first illness. She picked up the upper respiratory infection her big bro had. We are hoping to see her well by the end of this week. She will have to go to the doc tomorrow a week early then her scheduled 2 month visit for a recheck. I have no idea how much she weighs or anything but I would guess 9 or 10 lbs? She's still a tiny thing! I can't believe Colby was 14 lbs at this age! She is wearing 0-3 month clothing or 3 months which is still a tad big on her. She is also still in size 1 diapers. She eats about 4-6 oz. She is a very alert baby although with this cold she's been sleeping more. Normally she stays awake a good part of the day though. She takes a good 3 hour nap usually like her brother does/did. She started smiling around 6 weeks. I think she recognizes faces/voices now too. She loves her bath and is pretty easy going through getting dressed, diaper changes, etc. She does well in the car except when she's hungry. She took her first trip to Hattiesburg a couple weeks ago so now she has been in 2 states! All in all she's just a precious little girl. Oh and her big bro really loves her too he's always asking where she is and wants to hold her. I feel bad b/c we had been trying to keep him away from her this week so we were telling him no when he wanted to hold/touch her but I think this coming week we will have to let him love on her! I can't wait to see the bond that will develop between them!

1st ER visit

So yesterday we had our first scary experience of bringing a child to the ER. As I wrote earlier Lindsay has been battling the same cold virus that colby had earlier in the week. His has been a nasty bug as its a week later and he's still not 100%. I feared all week that she would get it and by Thursday I knew she had caught it. Its just progressively gotton worse just as his did. In fact its followed almost the exact path! Started with slight congestion and a cough then a worse cough, fever and just plain ole not looking/sounding/feeling good. Well yesterday morning around 11 I wasn't feeling good at all about the way she was acting. her appetite decreased she was still eating but just not anywhere compared to normal. I called our doc to see if they could squeeze her in but they turned us down. I spoke with the nurse and they basically gave us the same spill...saline drops, humidifier, blah blah. No one acted too concerned. Well by yesterday afternoon after her nap she wasn't eating well and she was just grunting and I wasn't sure if she was grunting b/c she was having trouble breathing. I knew she wasn't in distress though b/c her color was still good but I just didn't like second guessing myself and end up later that evening in trouble. I called my mom to come over and look at her and she agreed that we needed to have her checked out. So she and my dad stayed with Colby while Austin and I brought Lindsay in. We debated on where to take her but finally settled on the big oschner hospital. They actually have a pediatric er plus when we checked the wait times it was at 0. When we got there they already had her on record since he was born at an oschner hospital. We were called back to triage immediately where they weighed her and took her temp. Her temperature was at 99 which is where it had been all day. After that they brought us to a room. several people came in to look at all. They listened to her chest they said they heard a slight wheeze so they gave her a breathing treatment. After that they took us for a chest x-ray they also swabbed her for RSV. Everything came back clear which we were so thankful for. They basically diagnosed her with a bad upper respiratory infection. I am glad we brought her in though just for our peace of mind. It was very chaotic when we got home though it was 9 and Colby was acting out really badly which apparently he did all evening. We immediately put him to bed then bathed her and put her to bed. She hardly ate before bed although she did take a bottle at the hospital. I figured we would be up a lot that night with her but she slept all night which seems to be her new pattern anyway yay. I was worried all night though so I don't think i slept that soundly. I kept going in her room to check on her. I finally woke her up at 6:30 to eat and she finally ate about 3 oz. This morning she's acting better she's mostly sleeping but I figure that is what her body needs to do to heal. She ate 4 oz around 9:30 so it seems she's better. I am praying yesterday was the worst day like it was with Colby I think it was day 3 or 4 that she had it. I know it will take all week though for her to get back to 100% since we are over a week later and Colby still has the after effects of it he still coughs some and still has a slight runny nose...his appetite is also no where near normal and he is very cranky.
All in all it was a good experience I am glad we chose to bring her where we did. The staff was great and the no wait time was also a plus along with the fact that it seemed really clean and well organized.
Update: So the hospital called this afternoon and told us that her RSV test did come back positive. I am now still worried although she seemed better most of the afternoon but had a bad coughing fit after her bath. I can tell she's just got all that yuckly stuff in her throat and she can't cough it up! She only ate about 2-3 oz before bed but I am hoping she will get a good nights sleep and we will continue to see improvement in her! We will still be seeing the doc tomorrow! I am now convinced that Colby had the RSV first...he got it somewhere and passed it to her. He has been a lot sicker then just a normal cold so now its all making sense. He was also probably contagious and gave it to her before we even knew he was really sick and I think she probably "caught it" last weekend and just got bad during the latter part of the week! I am sure praying we see healing this week and all get passed these nasty germs!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Welcome to the Sick Ward...

Ugh so we are still battling this nasty bug at our house! Colby is finally about over his thankgoodness but it seems he has passed it on to Lindsay and I. I mainly just have a sore throat. Lindsay has been stuffy, sneezy, and coughy for the last 2 days. I feel so bad for her. She is still eating though and sleeping like a champ! I can just look at her though and tell she doesn't feel good although she still smiles at me when I walk in her room! I hate she caught it this young but I guess it was ineveitable. I know its different with the second child they are going to pick more up b/c of the older siblings. Colby didn't get his first real sickness until about 6 months old. He did have bronchiolitis though I am praying hers doesn't turn into anything like that. Basically with a baby you can do nothing when they have a cold but try and make them comfortable. She already sleeps with a humidifier and I'm trying to get the nasty junk out her nose when I can. We even bathed her last night and turned on the shower so that the steam might help loosen it up. I know it takes babies longer to get over stuff so I know we are atleast looking at a week before she is over it. So basically we will be dealing with sick kiddos for atleast 2 weeks around here. I'm trying to avoid taking her in...she has to go next Monday anyway for her 2 month checkup but I like to avoid the doc office at all costs b/c I feel like we have more of a chance of picking something else up there!
Oh and to top it off our cats have been sneezing like crazy guess they are sick too! This is our usual Jan/Feb mess though. Colby has been sick I think every Jan or Feb since he was 6 months old!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mommy/Son Morning

Today Colby and I had another one of our special days. I really love doing this with him! It wasn't originally planned this week, but with him getting sick and having to stay in more I figured he needed it. Plus my parents haven't gotton to spend time with Lindsay lately so I figured they would enjoy keeping her. Since he's still reeling from getting over the croup I didn't want to take him anywhere too far away or where he would get too overworked. I took him to the park first...we haven't been to one in awhile but with all the rain we got yesterday the slides were wet. He took one glance at that and decided it was time to go! My little OCD neat child! He requested we go to the "train store" ake Barnes and Noble. So off we went there. He loves to play with the train table. He played for a little while while I shopped for Valentine's books for he and Lindsay. We ran a couple other errands while we were out since it was so easy with just 1 kid! I only make 1 stop errands when I have them both! I asked him while we were out if he would like to eat lunch somewhere...he chose Mexico over McDonald's lol. It was fun having a little lunch date with him. I never did that with him until after Lindsay was born but its nice just enjoying him over lunch I think it makes him feel grown up!
We came home and I got both ready for naps which haven't been that great today but we will probably just spend the rest of the afternoon in! Lindsay seems to have a little cold and I feel like I have a touch of it also so we will be trying to get over that!