Its been a cold weekend here in south Louisiana. I think everyone has thought it was really colder then it is b/c we have had a mild winter. In the whole scheme of things this is just winter weather. Friday Colby had school...that day I stayed in with Lindsay. I kept her in mostly all week trying to avoid the cold and germs since she was recovering from RSV. That afternoon after the kid's naps though Colby's friend Max and his mom stopped by. It was nice to visit with them for a couple hours. Mrs. Honey loved holding/taking care of Lindsay and Colby and Max had a blast. We all ate dinner then they left to go home and watch the parade. This is the weekend of the Westbank parades. We didn't go this year to the night parade b/c it was so cold and with us all recovering from being sick we thought it was best to stay in.
Saturday Austin had to work so I took the kiddos over to my parent's house to get out for a little while. Colby always has such a good time over there. Right now while Lindsay is still so little we have been going there on Saturdays...its just easier with her but it gets Colby out the house too. I had wanted to bring Colby to the parade since it passes by their neighborhood but we decided to stay in. My mom and I made cookies for him to pass out to his class on Monday for his Valentine's parade. We came home and all took naps and Austin got in early so he and Colby were able to spend time outside then we had a nice family evening!
Sunday he was off so I was looking forward to a nice day! Especially since last week when he was off we were all sick so we didn't get to do much. We weren't sure what to do with the day though. It was freezing cold when we got up...we finally decided to just skip church and hang out at home then do an early lunch at Applebees with my parents and take Colby to the parade. I hated to miss church especially since Lindsay and I had missed the week before too. Colby really wanted to see a parade though. It also gave us an opportunity to get stuff done around the house which was nice. Its rare that we have a morning like that where we don't have to rush off somewhere. I even got a walk/jog in by myself! I wish I could do that more often but its just so hard with 2 kids and a hubby who works a lot and I don't really like going alone at night! We enjoyed our lunch was the first time Lindsay had really been out in like 2 weeks. Poor thing has been couped up since she was sick. After lunch we drove to my parent's house to all take potty breaks then we hit the parade. We left Lindsay at home with my parents. It was too cold plus I don't really see the point in bringing my 2 month old to a parade. Colby had a blast though! He caught lots of stuffed animals! We didn't stay for the whole thing only about half but Colby was actually ready to go at that point. We then came home to take naps. Both kids were exausted b/c they slept until 5 and I had to wake them up! We spent the evening just hanging out as a family.
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