I would say we have had a good weekend. After Colby's soccer yesterday we had a good relaxful afternoon. Both kids ended up taking good naps which was wonderful since we had a few rough naptimes during the week. I haven't been taking naps this week but I still enjoy the quiet time when the kids are napping at the same time. I have learned though that even having one up at a time is not bad...I usually have a couple hours with Colby when Lindsay goes down then I have a couple hours with her while he's still napping. Austin got in early yesterday which was so nice! I love when he gets home at a normal hour! We went out to eat as a family of 4! It was nice to get out...both kids did great too!
Today was church. I am pretty much back full time on Sunday mornings now. I am returning to my nursery responsibilities. My parents have still been bringing Colby b/c they get there earlier then me plus today they had a breakfast with grandparents and I didn't want him to miss out on that! Plus its still easier to get everyone ready in shifts...its worked out well where I get Colby ready first then work on myself then by the time Lindsay is up I can feed and dress her then head out the door. Lindsay and I got to church a little after 9:15 so we were pretty much on time. She is enjoying hanging out in the baby room. She loves the bouncer! Both weeks she has done really well and not cried at all. I was everywhere during Sunday School...I worked at the desk some, checked on Lindsay several times, went and ate breakfast with Colby in his class, and checked on the toddler class. I am still trying to get in a groove again since I have been out several months. During church I stayed in the nursery to help with the toddlers...there were 5 kids in there. We had a 2 1/2 year old, three 1 year olds, and a baby. It was crazy! They were all pretty good though...the toddler age is just tough. They make a lot of messes, they cry when they get tired or miss their mommy and daddy, and they can't all talk yet. But for the most part they did great! It made me miss Colby at that age! They are just so fun to watch! I was happy to help out again but it sure wore me out! So thankful both my kids are napping right now so I get a break! Looking forward to the rest of the day though and the upcoming week!
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