Wow I am so tired I feel so run down by this weekend. Weekends are different for us since Austin usually works on weekends mostly. Usually they don't feel any different then the weekday. Sometimes they are actually harder then the week. Saturdays are sometimes long, lonely days b/c most of my friends have husbands to hang out with and they do family stuff on Saturdays. Anyway enough of that so this is a recap of our weekend!
Yesterday (Friday) Colby had school. I brought him that morning then came home with Lindsay. Lindsay fell asleep in her carseat so I had about 30-45 minutes to get stuff done. When she woke up I took her on a walk. We go on so many walks now like we used to when Colby was a baby. Its just a good way to pass the time it seems! My parents brought Colby home from school. I had tried to get Lindsay down for a nap before he got home but that didn't work. I finally got her to nap around 2. Colby was up by 3. It was nice though b/c he and I went outside and had a snack and he played. It was really a bonding moment with him and I. I think the snack outside was the key to his heart he has talked about it since. I feel so bad sometimes b/c I feel like his needs get pushed to the side b/c I am so busy with Lindsay. I miss hanging out with him like we used to. It makes me glad though we did wait 3 years before having another one. I feel like I had those 3 years to really enjoy just him. Not that I don't enjoy him now its just different. So we had about an hour to ourselves outside. We don't spend much time out there now b/c of Lindsay. There's no good place for her to be when we are out there. Austin is going to hang the baby swing soon and I am hoping this will alleviate this problem some. Austin has been working really long hours so last night he got in around 7. We have basically been putting kids to bed and shoving food down and getting in bed ourselves. Its been a hard week!
Well Saturday Colby had his last soccer class. I am not sure how much he enjoyed soccer or if he will ever play again but I am glad we did it. I think its important for him to have different experiences so he can decided later which things he liked and wants to get better at. I will not force him to do anything my only rule is that if we commit to a season of soccer we will finish the season. I may sign him up one more year just b/c right now I think he's too young to "get" the sport but if he really tells me he doesn't want to do it then I won't make him. I think it was just good for him to have an outdoor activity and excercise. He doesn't get to go to parks and stuff as much as he used to between Lindsay and having a 3 day school schedule. I also wanted him to get used to following rules and working as a team. Anyway he did ok the last lesson. He got/gets antsy about 20 minutes into it. He does really well at first then by about 9:45 he starts asking me when it will be over. He's not the only one out there like that though so I figure its normal for a 3 1/2 year old. Anyway after soccer we came home. My parents were keeping Lindsay here. I had promised Colby that Grammy and Granddaddy could stay and play for awhile. Usually they leave right after we get home but with having such a long week while Austin worked long hours I was glad for the company and help. Its usually hard on Colby too b/c we get in from soccer at 10:30 then its like we can't really do anything else until after naptime. So we all went on a walk and he rode his tricycle. I hadn't planned on putting either of them down for a nap until after 1, but Lindsay was falling asleep on the walk which she never does so when we got hom I tucked her in and boy was I glad I did she ended up sleeping until 2:30. I put Colby to bed at noon which I felt bad he hasn't had that early of a naptime since he was a baby but he actually seemed tired. He did fall asleep and slept until almost 3. When they both got up we took another walk and basically waited on Austin to get home. He got home around 5:30 so we ate and took another walk! I was so thankful to have him home at a decent hour it had been such a long week of me feeding, bathing, and putting both kids to bed!
Today (Sunday) we had church. Austin had to work but he was able to go in late so he was actually a huge help with getting Colby ready for church. Its quite hectic trying to get all 4 of us out the door by 8:30. Anyway church went had a rocky start though. Colby ended up going to timeout twice over a situation involving cars in another room at church. He always wants to play with them but then when its time to go to Sunday School we expect him to leave the cars and go to his class. Well he pitched a fit....I'm sure I was a little short tempered too though and overreacted and I felt bad later on. But I am trying to make a point to him that just b/c my mom and I work back there it doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants. He ended up doing fine though the rest of the morning. Lindsay did great in her class too! We had a full house of kids especially in the toddler room where there were 7 children! Its always so nice to see so many kids though b/c a couple years ago we hardly had any!
I did make it into church though which was good. I feel like I miss church so much with working in the nursery or having something going on with one of my kids. I enjoyed the sitting and worshipping without having to worry with a kid. I think its a good time for me to get renewed. After church we did our usual lunch at McAlister's. Both kids were pretty good. Well Colby always wants to ride home with my parents. I didn't really mind b/c it gave me a chance to get home and settled with Lindsay before he got home. Although naptime was a total fail. He slept some maybe but Lindsay DID NOT sleep at all! I am not sure how I am ever going to get this little girl to take regular naps. Anyway Austin came home early which I was so happy to see. He and I and Colby were able to eat a snack outside while Lindsay sorta slept although it wasn't long before she beckoned me back inside. The boys stayed outside though and did yardwork. Its nice when Austin is home and we can split up like that. Colby loves it outside but its so hard to bring both kids out as much as he would like to be out there. That night we just had a low key evening and put both kids to bed early! I think we were both exausted from the crazy week!