Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Last Few Days...

We have had a busy last few days! It was so exciting Friday night when Austin got home. He got in late though so we basically ate dinner and put the kids to bed. Saturday he had to work. I took Colby to soccer. He did really well for the first half but something happens about halfway through where he wants to run around and not listen. I'm seeing a new side of him that he's wanting to be a little mischevious I think its even starting to show some at school. His teacher hasn't reported anything to me but he told me that he went to timeout again Friday. Anyway he said he had fun at soccer. I am not sure if he will want to play soccer every year but atleast we tried it and I feel like he has learned a little bit. Plus its just good for him to get the excercise! After soccer we hung out at home. Austin was late again so once again we bathed kids and put them to bed.
Sunday he was off! This started his 3 day vacation time! I was so ready for him to be home after working late and being out of town all last week! We went to church. It was hard getting up that morning with the time change. We had to wake both kids up too! Both did well in their Sunday School classes. We took Lindsay into church with us b/c we don't really approve of one of the ladies that works on the 2nd Sunday. She gave us a hard time with Colby so we will keep Lindsay out on those Sundays. She only lasted for about 15-20 min. I had to take her out and just keep her in the nursery the rest of the time. After church we ate at Applebees with my parents. Colby got really upset b/c we didn't sit at our "usual spot" he got it together though and we were able to enjoy lunch. That afternoon we all took good naps then we got out and took a walk which was nice!
Monday Colby had school and Austin was off. I brought him and Max to school then went grocery shopping. Its so nice to go alone I can get it done so much faster! After shopping I came home and fed Lindsay then rode with Austin to pick Colby up. Lately Austin has been going by himself to get him so that I could feed Lindsay and put her down for a nap but we are trying to slowly back her naptime up b/c when she goes down too early it makes for a LONG afternoon! So we figured this way she could get a catnap in the car but not nap too much so we all ate lunch then everyone took naps again! This time change has made us all SO tired in the afternoons! We spent another afternoon hanging out as a family. It rained mostly all day so we were inside although Austin and Colby were finally able to get out and let him ride his tricycle around the block!
Today (Tuesday) Austin was off again! Yay for 3 days off! Anyway we had our housecleaner coming so on those days we HAVE to get out the house although I'm sure we would have gone somewhere anyway. We had talked about a daytrip either Baton Rouge, the Coast, or the Northshore. Our last plan was to take Colby to the Wiggle Room in Slidell then eat lunch at Cracker Barrel. Well it turns out the Wiggle Room is closed! So that changed our plans. We decided to not go out of town b/c it would be hard leaving after 9 and trying to be back before the maid left. Plus with Lindsay that would be a long day with her. My parents were also busy so we couldn't leave her with them. Colby had been asking about the children's museum lately so we just decided to do that! We took him back in December by himself but this was the first time we attempted to bring both. Now that Lindsay is getting older its a little easier to bring them both out places like this. Colby had a blast! We pretty much just tell let him tell us where he wants to go and we follow him around...I don't know what we will do when Lindsay can walk and wants to go her own way...we might have to split up then! Lindsay did so well...she didn't fuss at all. She ate once while we were there and other then that she just sat in her stroller and looked around. We would have never attempted this with Colby at that age...but she's so laid back! I guess 2nd children have to be! After we played for over an hour we decided to head back to the westbank and eat lunch at Chili's. Colby ate really well...he requested a cheese quesadilla and salad. I love that my 3 year old loves salad! Lindsay once again was a peach! She slept most of the time but even when she was awake she just sat there in her carseat quietly. We came home and all rested again...after naps Austin and Colby went for haircuts. I am loving that Austin can take him for that now! Guess I will have to bring Lindsay with me though to the beauty salon! After dinner we took a walk too! I have loved having Austin home with us the last 3 days...especially after the hard week last week!

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