Sunday, March 18, 2012

Birthdays & Church

Well our last 24 hours have been extremely busy! Yesterday afternoon after the kids' naps we went over to my parents house. We were having our yearly birthday get together for Elizabeth and I. We had to do it a week early b/c of everyone's schedules. Colby loves these gatherings! He gets more into them each time. Now that he's old enough to understand he sings happy birthday and talks about birthday cake all day! He also loves being around all the adults and the attention I think! He did really well. Lindsay got antsy and we had to pack up and leave around 7. She turns into a pumpkin at 7 plus she hardly napped at all yesterday. Anyway it was a fun time! Always fun to hang out with family!
Today we had church. This was my first official Sunday to get both kids up and out to Sunday School by myself. My parents had always been picking Colby up around 8 and that left me time to get myself and Lindsay dressed. Austin was off the last 2 weeks so I got a little practice having them both ready by 8:30 but today was our first go at it with just me. We did great! Its not as bad since we have to be out the house by 8:30 on school days. Plus Lindsay has been sleeping until 8 lately so that makes it easier as well. I get totally dressed and ready and get Colby dressed and fed then by 8 all I have left is to dress/feed Lindsay and head out the door. Well I am proud to say I got both kids and myself to church by 9:00. We have to do this for school so I guess we have gotton in a good routine of having everyone ready to be out the door at 8:30! Church was quite busy we had a lot of kids! Its always exciting when we have a full nursery although it makes things hectic for my mom and I. Lindsay did well during Sunday School and church. It was her and one other baby who is a few months older. Colby did well as far as I know in his class...he only had 2 in his Sunday School class but they had 5 or 6 during church. He said he had a great time! He always has more fun when there are lots of kids! I ended up having to work with the toddlers. I was hoping to get in church since I missed last week with Lindsay but I enjoyed getting to know some of those lil guys. It takes me back to when Colby was that age! We had 5 1 and 2 year olds! It was quite busy! After church we did our usual McAlister's which was nice. Both kids did well again. The rest of the afternoon was pretty much rest/naptime. Austin got home early which was so nice! Its been a long week of him working and coming home late so anytime he's home before 6 is a treat! He and Colby even got to play outside some before bathtime! Now we are getting ready for another busy week and looking forward to Austin's next days off!

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