Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

I can't believe this is Colby's 5th Halloween! He was ofcourse very into it this year! Just like last year he was very excited about going Trick or Treating! We did something very similiar to last year but let me back up to yesterday.
It took us until last night to finally get our pumpkins carved. Austin has been on a crazy work schedule so there has been no time! So finally after dinner last night Austin and Colby carved them! I felt bad Lindsay missed out on the action but she won't know or remember so its ok! Colby had a blast...this is the most he's ever been into the carving!
Today Colby had school and ofcourse his Halloween Party! Now that he's in school Halloween seems so busy! He came home with lots of loot from school and seemed to have a great day!
We had a simple Halloween Party over at our house. We invited my mom&dad, Randall&Elizabeth, and Honey&Max. This is basically what we did last year and we all enjoyed it so much we decided to repeat! We used to alternate years of going to our church festival and doing trick or treating at our house. This year we decided it would be easier to have it at our house again! Plus we all enjoyed it so much we want it to be our new tradition! We served hotdogs, chili, a few sweets and that was it! We ate early around 5 so we could get the kids out early. This year we were more worried about Lindsay since she goes to bed so early. After eating we started getting the kids dressed in their costumes. I was a little worried since neither of them had tried on their costumes ever but they did great! They were so adorable! Colby chose to be a black cat this year. He's been saying that since July or August. I really thought he would change his mind but he stuck with it. I think its more special when the child picks out the costume I think he enjoyed it more. We went to only people's houses we knew and we started out with close friends first so they could see Lindsay in her outfit. We knew she would not last the whole time. She lasted about an hour though and I was surprised! I came home and bathed her while Elizabeth, austin, and Honey took the boys to a few more houses.
It was a really special night and I think both kids had fun! Colby I know had a blast especially since he had his buddy Max to pal around with! Lindsay hung in there wayy better then I thought so I guess she liked it too! Looking forward to next year!

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