Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thanksgiving 2012
Well once again our Thanksgiving did not turn out at ALL the way we planned. But once again I am giving God the glory for he knows all things and it went the way He had planned. And honestly we still have so much to be grateful for I can't complain.
Wednesday we planned to leave for Hattiesburg. Our plan was for me to drive up that morning with my parents and Austin would come that afternoon/evening. Well that morning Colby was not acting right, I was completely stressed, and I couldn't get us out the house anyway. We ended up pushing it back until that afternoon after the kid's naps. I still wasn't sure about Colby but he did perk up a little so we went ahead. Well it was destined to be bad from the beginning. Traffic first of all was horrible! I decided that we needed to go ahead and stop in Slidell and feed the kids. So we stopped at McAlister's and all was going fine until Colby started eating his mac n cheese then he threw up everywhere! So at that point it was chaos. We had to clean him up, clean the mess up, calm him down etc. Austin was calling in the midst of it. I decided we needed to head home ASAP that obviously he was still sick and we shouldn't be on the road. Well austin and I got in a fight. I know we were both stressed and not listening to one another. So that night we all got in and went to bed. We finally decided it would be best for his parents to come to us. Well they volunteered and we decided that would work best. I am so thankful for that decision too!
Thanksgiving morning Colby woke up feeling pretty good. He was excited about grandparents coming but it was obvious he was still not 100%. We did enjoy the morning though. It was nice having a low key morning in our pjs watching the parade festivities on tv. Colby even really got into watching it this year for the 1st time. After Austin's parents got here everyone got busy in the kitchen. We did take a break to let the kids get some fresh air. Colby rode his big wheel around and I got the idea to let Lindsay "walk" with her grocery cart outside. That lil stinker' ended up going 2 or 3 houses down! I know she will be walking by Christmas which will make life interesting! After playing Colby came in to watch tv and rest before lunch. At lunch he did ok...he ate all his mashed potatoes but I could tell he still wasn't feeling good. After lunch though he wanted to take a walk with his 2 grandpas. I convinced them though to stay close since he was running to the potty a lot. He stayed out for quite awhile. Then he came in to rest and relax. Before my mom and dad left we all went back outside so they could see Lindsay "walk" with her grocery cart again. Colby rode his bikes around. Afterwards he went in the back with everyone. I told everyone not to let him over work himself b/c I could tell then he wasn't feeling good. So around 4 he came in and he did not act himself at all...I could tell he was tired but also sick. I made him lay down on the couch and he ended up falling right to sleep. He slept for about an hour I was worried about him. Once he got up he was not wanting to eat/drink anything. I was starting to get upset....I knew something was not right. So we bathed both kids and I told Austin after Lindsay got to bed we needed to take him to the ER. So we did...and my what an experience. Well I knew he was probably dehydrated. Well sure enough after going through triage they hooked him up to an IV. I felt so bad but I also knew it was what was best for him! But boy did it make him mad...he spent about the next 20 min screaming! Shortly after he had to get xrays. They told us something showed up on the xray that they were concerned about. It looked like a possible intestinal blockage. Well we were beginning to get worried. They finally took him for a ct scan. After waiting on that to come back Colby was perked up but also getting tired. The IV really helped plus he ate a popsicle and drank the fluid for the ct scan. Poor baby had to go through so much! He did more in that night then I have done in my lifetime! It ended up being the diarrhea in his intestine that he pooped out later =). I was so thankful! The doc gave him antibiotics just in case it was a bacterial infection. Colby really was a trooper. He cried during the IV and some after but the rest of the time he was really good! We got home around midnight! What a day! Austin and I were exhausted and so was Colby! Even though the day or the week leading up did not turn out as we planned we still have a lot to be thankful for! I am thankful that even though Colby was sick it could have been so much more serious!
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