So we finally got word yesterday that Colby WAS in fact accepted to kindergarten! I am sure God is laughing at me and all my worrying I have done over the last 24 hours! Anyway all day yesterday I still stressed...then I got even more stressed b/c Colby had an eye exam at school yesterday and didn't do well and I am wondering what has happened to my little boy? Anyway after talking with his teacher I decided to go ahead and schedule him an appointment this month rather then waiting until May. That way if his glasses need to be adjusted we will know.
Well after that I was so worried about school and I had a speech all prepared to give I called them myself and they said ooh yea he was accepted! YAY! I knew my little guy could do it! I also feel totally guilty about not trusting God. I mean I knew God had reasons if he didn't etc but I was doing WAYY too much worrying when God was probably trying to tell me "look I got this". Anyway I am all excited now and feel like we can rest and enjoy the last 2 months of preschool! All year I have been worried/stressed about where he would go and where he would get in. I know God had it all in his hands the whole time. Anyway so he is officially a Calvary Eagle! I really never thought my life would come full circle this way: my mom taught preschool there, I went to school there, I taught there, and now my child is going to school there! I feel a total peace about it though. The school is going in a great direction and I also feel like he will be sheltered and will have a good experience there as well.
So the GymRompers news...well Lindsay and I have joined a new class. We had to actually b/c of my Tuesday morning Bible study starting back and uptown no longer offering a wednesday class. So we had to start going to the Metairie location. I have been a little bummed b/c Metairie is SO much farther then uptown. Plus I knew our little uptown class and despite the little boy who tackles here it was a good class. Well we went to the new class and I loved it and luckily it didn't take us TOO long to get there! But the class is made up of young toddlers like her so she got along great with everyone. No one tried to tackle her! So we are excited! We will still go back to the uptown class when we can though.
So on top of all the business, craziness, and stress of this week my little man has also not been feeling good. He started with a cough early in the week. Didn't think too much of it b/c he has had an off/on cough since January. He's never seemed to feel bad. Well I noticed by Wednesday afternoon it was getting worse but we still went on to church b/c he hadn't run fever or even slowed down any. Well by Thursday morning it was a lot worse. he was also sniffly and sneezy. I figured I better keep him home from school. He went ahead and came with me and Lindsay to run all the errands. This included a stop by his new school Calvary to pay the deposit and to shop the book fair. He seemed to enjoy the errands and still feel good despite his cough. Well we came home had lunch and got ready for naptime. Well by nap he was really coughing a lot! He was coughing so much it worried me being in his room alone so I let him come sleep on the couch...something we NEVER do! Well he coughed and coughed and didn't ever really sleep neither did I! So we were both exhausted...well by that time I knew after 2+ hours of continuous coughing he needed to be seen. So we called the doc and they were able to get us in. Well I knew afternoons would be rough but I still didn't think it would be too bad. Well boy was I wrong! We were there from like 3 until 5! The doc checked him out and ordered a breathing treatment. That was his first experience with that! He's had liquid albuterol twice when he had bronchitis but never an actual breathing treatment. He freaked out at first but did fine once he realized it wouldn't hurt. Well they even wrote up a prescription for us to get a breathing machine at home. So by the time we picked all that up from Walgreens it was 6! We were both worn out! Poor little guy though! The doc said its reactive airway disease. Most likely caused by allergens. I think its just b/c our winter has been so crazy and now things are blooming and the air is so dry! So now he has to do these treatments 3 times a day!
Update: He woke up today a lot better...thought he would be able to attend school at first but after he was up a little while I realized he didn't seem totally himself...still grumpy, sniffly, and snotty so I figured one more day at home would be good! He also went with us to the doc b/c Lindsay had her 15 month checkup! I figured this way they could also look at home and make sure he was ok. He was upset at first but then was ok with the idea. Poor guy I hate he's missed 3 days of school this week! Anyway hopefully he will be good as new soon!
Friday, March 8, 2013
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