Well this has been a big week in our house. Its that time of year for school registration. We got the papers from AUMC to enroll Lindsay in their 2 year old program next year! I can't believe the time has come! Due to her birthday she will be the youngest in the class but I think she will be ready for a little social interaction! Plus momma will be ready to re-gain some mommy time as well! We have been going through the kindergarten process with Colby. We have toured a couple schools. Last week we did Open House at Calvary and really felt at a peace to send him there! He had to take a kindergarten entrance test today. I wish I could say he passed with flying colors. And I think with the questions he did answer he did....he just chose also to be a little stubborn and uncooperative! I'm sad he did this b/c I know his potential. We have talked with him all week about this upcoming day. I tried not to word it as he was taking a test, but more he was going to meet the principal and see his new big boy school. He's slowly coming to terms with the fact that he will be leaving his little preschool behind. He's sad but I think a little excited too. We have slowly tried to introduce this idea to him. Well this morning he was sad about missing a day at his regular school. But I explained to him that he needed to do this and then he was going to get to spend the afternoon at my parent's house...which ofcourse he was thrilled about! He seemed all ready for his day/morning. He was very well behaved and helpful this morning at home and I thought well maybe I really got through to him. But once we got to the school and the office he got really shy and uncooperative...I have to think this is normal though? I mean he's entered this less confidence stage this year and I am not sure where its coming from b/c he wasn't like this last year....I don't know if its the glasses...but we have also noticed a difference in his personality after being around this one little boy in his class. Anyway I left him with the principal and went on to Bible Study. It worked out well b/c my Bible Study was right across the hall. Well like not even 10 minutes later she came and got me and said Colby was not cooperating....WHAT...so I went in there and tried to rationalize and talk to him. He was almost in tears...not sure if he was scared or what. We talked and we finally decided to go get his puppy dog by the time I got back with that he was doing great! I didn't even go in the room by that point b/c he was doing so well! Well I went back to Bible study thinking/hoping/praying all would be ok. And so it was I thought....he was gone for about 30 more minutes. Well when she appeared again I thought well they must be done. But when I got in the hallway she said he still wasn't cooperating. She said they finished part of it but he didn't want to continue. So once again I tried talking to him. I mean I had no idea what to do...I didn't want to act angry b/c I figured this would cause him to shut down more. Anyway so she went on to ask me some questions and we went to look at the kindergarten room. He was still kind of in a mood...he kept saying he ewas ready to go. This is just how he is...and something he will just have to learn to deal with. He gets ready for the next part of his day and he's just like ok I'm done ready to go...he's done this since he was a toddler. Anyway so we went back to the office and she asked him a couple more questions...she finally said he was done. She said she would take the scores and add them up if she could.
My heart really sunk today and I know God wrote Colby's story before I even had him so I am trying to trust in God knowing there is a reason/purpose for it all. My mommy instinct though really thinks he will be fine in kindergarten...I see his weaknesses and immaturity but with me being a stay at home mom I think I can work with him at home. I knew kindergarten will probably be a hard year for him...but it was for me too. Anyway but ever since meeting with his teacher and her expressing her concerns about his fine motor skills its had me on edge. So I am trying to give it to God. If they call and say he passed then great he will go to kindergarten I still expect struggles but that will mean he can do it! If they call and say no he's not ready then we will still send him to Calvary and do prek4. That's not what I WANT at all...but I have to trust and do what is best for my son. So right now I have a lump in my throat and knots in my stomach waiting on them to call and let us know! I know either way he will be fine. I read over the kindergarten readiness packet and I really think he hits all of the standards. I mean he's a bright kid he can be stubborn and maybe not quite as good with his fine motor skills but he's just really started learning to write the letters this year and really been taking an interest since October. So I think he excels in everything else. But again I have to let go and let God. But in the mean time I am a nervous wreck. Not to mention the day has just been stressful anyway...trying to get everyone out the house by 8:30...the maid coming...the yard people coming...its just one of those days!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
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