Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Struggle

So this week has been "one of those weeks" for one reason or another I have been moody and not probably HAVE let my anger fly with my kids. I hate when I do that but its so hard sometimes. I love love staying at home with my kids and like 90% of the time its awesome and sunshine but then the other 10% happens. Life happens....hormones acting rude happens.
I know we are probably all guilty. For me its probably half hormonal and the other half maybe just tired and feeling overwhelmed. We've been in vaction mode and birthday mode for about 3 weeks so maybe its coming down off that high!
Lindsay for some reason has had several accidents this week and I am not sure what the deal with that is. All I know is I keep telling myself it is normal and this too shall pass although after the 4th day in a row today I lost it! I know Colby did something like this as well. First off she still isn't pooping in the potty...tmi I know but I want to be able to go back and read this when she is 12 and laugh! Anyway I know it'll happen b/c Colby took awhile too but its frustraing b/c unlike him she just poops in her underwear! I think that only happened a couple of times with him b/c he knew to wait for a pullup.
She's done so well with peeing in the potty that when she sorta "trained" herself she rarely had accidents. But this week she's completely emptied her bladder in her clothes and underwear!
On top of all this the fighting...oh the fighting that the 2 of them do! I know they have to share a lot and are together a lot and I know its been a long summer in some aspects!
I honestly don't look forward to starting back to school often mainly b/c I know it means they are 1 year older and how fast life will fly and I know I will miss them so much. But the days with all the fighting I must confess I look forward to the quietness!
I know I am guilty this summer of also not staying spiritually fed. With all the trips and birthdays and holidays and such I have not been staying in the Word. I did a summer Bible study but only went half of the time due to vaction and or sick kids. I also haven't been in worship due to teaching on Sundays and vacations! I know the root of this problem is me and I need to get back on my knees and in His Word.
UGH I just had to get these things out of my head and onto paper or a screen haha! I love my littles and I hate when I lose it with them! Praying for a peaceful afternoon and that something can learned from all of this!

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