Sunday, July 27, 2014

Weekend Fun

So we are having another busy weekend in the Westbrook House! Its always a party around here! So Friday we had nothing planned so I took the kids to a locak park. I love park visits with them b/c its free fun! It was hot and humid but I think its good for kids to sweat and get a little sun from time to time. We were the first ones out there but soon a Family Reunion came along to set up with about 4 littles. Well the kids were close to Colby's age so he enjoyed talking and playing with them. We came home and had a pretty restful day. We were going to the baseball game that night so I wanted everyone to feel relaxed and refreshed.
So the game that was with our church's Children's Ministry. We were excited to go and see the game but also be with friends! It was only Colby's 2nd game and Lindsay's 1st. I guess we just don't ever think about going. We all really had fun. Honestly Lindsay did better then Colby. She pays attention more. I think he liked it once he gave it a chance but he gets bored and antsy. Plus he fell asleep on the way over so he was a little moody. Austin met us there thankfully bc I don't think I could have handled both there alone! It was a fun evening and just something different outside of our box I guess! We left at the top of the 6th inning though and with even leaving early it was 10 before we got home and 11 before the littles really got to bed! I cannot imagine had we stayed for the entire game! We were all exhausted! Plus it didn't help that Austin still had to work the next day and I knew the littles and I had to be up early for tennis!
So Saturday Colby had tennis lessons again. We have missed a lot this month due to being out of town and birthday weekend. I was glad to get Colby back on track. I can tell he's learned a lot and I don't care if he becomes a star player although I do hope he will play tennis for fun for the rest of his life. I think its mostly just a good discipline and exercise for him right now. I want my kids to be active...they don't have to be athletes but I want them to atleast be active while they are young and hopefully for the rest of their lives. Afterwards we went swimming. It felt good to get in and cool off and ofcourse the kids always have a blast in a pool. We left after swimming and came home. We were again lazy most of the day. I guess between the business and the heat I find myself so lazy in the afternoons. We did play outside for awhile though.
Sunday was church. Austin wasn't off so it was just the littles and I. Something just told me that I needed to be prepared to work in childcare even though it wasn't my week. And honestly I used to get upset about things like this. I have been in situations like this since Colby was born. Anyway today I felt a peace about it. I mean yes I really wanted to go sit in on adult worship but I prayed to have servant's heart and do what I needed to do. Well sure enough I was the only teacher that showed up. Was I a little disappointed...well yes but I know those kids need daughter needed someone. I knew Laekan needed someone. Someone needed to fill that role and that person was me. It wasn't a bad morning at all...was it hectic YES! We had 12 two-four year olds! But for some reason I was calm and really never felt overwhelmed. I love the kids in there and I love seeing them grow/mature. Some of the boys in there were 2 when I first started working in there and now they are pushing 5! Its amazing how much they change. Anyway it was a good morning. Busy but good. This afternoon will be pretty quiet and low b/c Colby is spending the night with my parents so they came and got him after their church got out. So its Lindsay and me and then Austin =). I am looking forward to the quiet night then having Austin home for the next 2 days!

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