Saturday, July 23, 2016

Colby's birthday weekend

Well our little man celebrated his birthday this past weekend. I would say he had a great time! He started the celebrations Thursday when my parents took them shopping and it continued through Tuesday in Hattiesburg. 
Friday the kids and I had to go grocery shopping. This summer my day somehow ended up on Saturday but with his party on Saturdya and nearly running out of food we went Friday morning. We decided after that to just spend the rest of the day at home. It rained most of the afternoon so it was nice to just stay in and chill out. That night we did Peter Pan for our movie night.
Saturday was the big party day. We got up early and got everything ready. His friends arrived around 9:45. Shortly after they got here we loaded them up and headed out to Sector 6. This year instead of a big birthday bash we opted to just do a friend day. He invited his 3 best buddies from church/school. We had Makyrin, JT, and Nijel who are all 8. We also had Lindsay ofcourse. We got there around 10:40. We got all checked in and ready. This was our first time. Nijel and Makyrin had been though. The kids were super excited. Our flight time was for 11. We had to stand around a wait just for a bit. Once we got in everyone was ready to jump. We had bought 6 tickets b/c originally we thought Colby's friend Ella would be able to come too. Well since she was out of town Austin just used that ticket so he could help keep up with Lindsay. I sat and watched the stuff and had the water bottles ready for when they were hot and thirsty. I was a little jealous though to not be bouncing! Looked like so much fun! The boys pretty much split up after awhile. Colby and JT did a few things together while Nijel and Makyrin did a few things then it swapped to Makyrin and Jt and Colby and Nijel. Lindsay pretty much did her own thing the whole time. Her fav thing was the big trampoline room and little kid area. They had an under 6 area which was nice for her too. They give you and hour for your flight time which I honestly think was perfect. It was enough time to really wear the kids out but any longer I think some would have gotten bored or really worn out. This left them wanting more too which I guess is a good thing too? We left and headed back towards the Westbank. Oh my the boys were so loud in the car!! Austin and I couldn't even really hear each other talk. I couldn't believe 4 boys could be so loud! When we got home the boys immediately ate lunch. And boy could some of them eat pizza. We bought 2 large pizzas and when it was all said and done we had 2 pieces left! After pizza we let them play for about an hour. Austin turned on some music and tried to get some of them to dance but only 2 were really interested. Those same 2 he took outside to ride bikes and play. Colby and Nijel were most interested in putting together legos. Around 2 we gathered them back up for cake and ice-cream. After that they had a little bit to play before their parents came. I think everyone was gone by 3. And we were all exhausted!! We rested for a bit to recover! That evening was pretty low key. We had steaks and baked potatoes and went for a walk. I think Colby had an awesome day though! 
Sunday was actually Colby's birthday (July 17th). Ofcourse we had church that morning. We made French toast for him for breakfast. We had thought about donuts but we already had cookie cake and that afternoon we were having cupcakes so I just felt it would be too much sweets. His b-day has fallen one other time on a Sunday and that is when he was 3. I always thought Sunday b-days were kinda cool b/c you get wished happy birthday by a ton of people! I think he enjoyed all the attention even though he might say he didn't. He was greeted with a donut when we first got to church so how could that be bad? We gave him the choice of staying for 1 or both services. He actually loves now when we stay for both services b/c he stays upstairs with the kids. Austin helped me in my class. It went well we had 11 kids so we were pretty busy but I felt like everyone was well behaved. Then we went to 2nd service and brought Lindsay with us. It was an awesome service. Our pastor basically shared his story (testimony) with us. Then we had the Lord's Supper. After the service we went out for Mexican with my parents and brother and sis in law. We rarely all go out to eat on Sundays b/c of the 2 services and we don't stay for both very often. It was nice and it was fun to celebrate Colby. After lunch we all came back to our house for cupcakes. We enjoyed visiting and Colby enjoyed opening up his presents. Randall and Lizzie gave him pictures of Randall's first 2 cars. He is going to love it for his room! That afternoon we just relaxed. My thoughts of Sunday afternoons are rest and prepare for the week. So that we did! 
I think Colby had an excellent birthday! He got a lot of Lego sets, some car things, and model cars. I cannot believe my first baby is 8 years old! I keep telling him he is 1/2 way to driving age!! I cannot believe it! 

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