Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Run Down!

Friday- Colby had his 8 year old well check at the doc. Things were great and I am thankful for a healthy boy! That afternoon we grocery shopped and then rested! 
Saturday- We went swimming at my parent's. We have enjoyed the pool and loved having that option! The kids are fishes! 
Sunday- Church...we went to 1st service. Austin helped me with my class. We had 10 or 11. After church we went to Copeland's for brunch.
Monday- Austin was off so we decided to go do something special with the kids. We thought it might be our last really big summer outting. We took them to the Cool Zoo. This was their 2nd trip there this summer. It was really enjoyable though b/c it was pretty quiet this time. The kids had a great time and were pretty independent. They both also really loved the Lazy River on this trip. We ate lunch at McAlister's and just enjoyed spending the afternoon together. Lindsay had dance class that night. 
Tuesday- I had Bible study so the the kids went to my parents house. I think as always they enjoyed that. I picked them up after though and we just spent the rest of the day at home. After several busy days it was nice to not have to be anywhere the rest of the day! 
Wednesday- We had our cleaning lady here that day so I felt a little hectic and flustered. The kids and I had breakfast at chickfila then went to Petsmart and Target. We came home and worked on things around the house. We rested then got ready to go to church that night. It was the last of the summer sessions. We only had 4 kids. Thankfully Genevieve was there so Lindsay was happy. Our other 2 kids in class are 3 and 1. My bigs will be promoting when the fall session starts so the dynamics will change a lot. 
Thursday- We stayed home that day in order to pack and rest some before camp! I knew we needed that time to just pack and take it easy. That night Lindsay did have dance. It was her last night of the summer. I am still on the fence about whether to sign her up for the fall or not. On one hand she truly loves it and she lights up on the dance floor! And I want her to find something she loves doing. I just fear 4 is still too young for that type of commitment and its going to be a lot of money and time. I also fear our time schedule. Our week during school is jam packed and with church on Sundays...Saturday is our only down day. I have always tried to keep that sacred b/c I feel like children are losing out on their childhood when they go from one scheduled activity to the next. I love having my kids home and having lazy Saturdays. I also love having the freedom for travel and being able to do what we want. So we will see I am still praying about it! 

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