Wow God answers prayers when we least expect it! Well we have been praying for a few weeks that there would be so more children Colby's age come to church. When he was a baby there were 4 in the baby room. He had 3 little friends. His closest Cameron and Blake both just moved. This left us very sad and dissapointed that there was no one else Colby's age at church. Since he does not go to daycare church and Sunday school are really the only chance he gets to play with other children and associate with other adults outside family. Lately its just been Colby and I. I teach the creeper/toddler class.
This week I have been a little discouraged about everything. We worked very hard to create this class and get the room in shape! I love our little room and I just always wanted some children back there to get to enjoy it! Well my mom has also been praying. In fact she goes to WMU at our church and they do a prayer walk around the church. Well my mom has been going in our room and praying for a room full of children. Well wouldn't you know God answered that prayer today. We had 4 other children other then Colby. It was wonderful. I know Cameron won't be back every week but I sure hope the others come back and that we get more!
It was tiring and hectic but I really enjoyed it. My heart is really with the babies right now. I love this age I guess since I have one and I feel like I can be very effective since I have the experience of dealing with a toddler on a daily basis. I was also very proud of Colby...he wasn't clingy to me at all! I was able to help the other children and even hold them if they were upset and it didn't bother him! Shows my little man is growing up! He played very hard today and enjoyed every minute of it! I know it was good for him to experience this type of situation b/c I am thinking of putting him in Mother's Day Out next year. We also went out to eat afterwards and again he was very good. All in all it has been a wonderful day! Not to mention the weather is gorgeous! I just wish we had time to take Colby to the zoo or something. We will probably take him outside this afternoon though and play or take a walk! I didn't bring my camera today to get a picture of all the kids. I sure wish I would have because at one point they were all sitting in chairs at the table eating a snack like big boys and girls. Colby has never done that before and I thought it was so cute. He was sitting in a little chair at a table like a little person! Well thats all for now but I will post a picture of Colby from last year and this week just to show how much he has grown up!
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