Friday, August 14, 2009

The Saints are coming!

Well today I was excited to put Colby in his Saints jersey! His Aunt Lizzie gave him this over a year ago and this is the first time he gets to wear it! It is a size 18 months which ofcourse was WAY to ig for last years season and luckily now this is the size he is in so its perfect! We are planning on watching the game tonight as a family...well Colby may see the first half. We are also going to grill burgers, have french fries, and baked beans, and top it off with vanilla icecream with fresh peaches! Yes we are excited about football season so we thought we would celebrate! We don't eat like this often so it will be a nice treat! I am hoping to get Colby to try some hamburger meat, he will also eat a few french fries...hopefully he will try the beans too...and he LOVES peaches!

On another note I think Colby is about to start walking! He has become obsessed with the concept..its really cute but all day he says "walk" and he tries to "walk" from object to object. He has taken about 4 or 5 steps alone. But he tries very hard! He also is really into pushing his little walker toy around. He goes all around the house now! I guess he enjoys seeing the house from a different perspective rather then on all 4s. He was very active this morning I can hardly keep up with him sometimes. He wants to explore every room! I have given up trying to contain him in one room b/c he had figured out how to bust out of our set up anyway. We aren't going to buy gates either I think they are just more annoying then helpful. Lately I just follow him around and do things in whatever room he is in which works out pretty well. His new thing too is climbing up his slide thing he got for his birthday! He climbs to the top stands up and just screams like he is so proud of himself! He's such a little mess now! Its fun to see him growing up and changing! But sometimes its bittersweet because he is really not a little baby anymore!

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