Friday, August 28, 2009

Is it Fall Already?

Wow I can't believe that it is that time of year again. School staring back up, cooler weather, and Halloween quickly coming well in a couple months! Well this week we have been blessed with some beautiful weather. It was great especially after several rainy, muggy days! It was actually even cool some mornings which is very weird for August. Sometimes God just chooses to bless us by surprise!

Well this has been a good week with the pretty weather. It hasn't been too busy either which has been nice. It began on Monday with Austin, Colby, and I eating lunch and swimming at my parent's house. Randall also joined us which was nice. It had been awhile since we had really had a "family" lunch over there so it was nice. I know my parents enjoyed having all their kids there. As always Colby had a blast. He loves playing with his grandparents and he LOVES the pool! That evening we ended the day by driving down to the Lake and taking a walk...Colby has never been out there I think he really liked seeing the water. Its a great place to go and walk I don't know why we don't do it more often. There are so many great places in New Orleans that we don't take advantage of often enough! Well on to Tuesday. Tuesday Austin went to play golf so Colby and I just hung out at the house. Wednesday was library day. Now that we have a break from Gymrompers Colby and I go to infant/toddler storytime on Wednesdays. Its actually pretty fun. Its pretty short but it gets us out of the house and Colby gets to see and interact with some other kids. We have kinda made a friend there too. Thursday and Friday were also just stay at home days for us. It sounds boring but I am never bored with Colby! He keeps me on my toes! He is constantly on the move! Its a good thing he sleeps well at night and takes a 3 hour nap or I would lose my mind! But it is fun to watch him learn and discover new things! Today we got his Halloween costume in...I had ordered it a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why I did so early but I got excited when I saw all the Halloween stuff coming out in stores. I guess since Colby was so young last year we didn't buy a costume. He had an outfit but not an actual costume. So we got it in today! He is going to be a dinosaur! Its so cute! I think he really liked it too! He looked like a big stuffed animal! So fun now I can't wait to take him around the neighborhood!

Tonight I had a Sunday School meeting at church so Austin got to spend time with Colby! I think they had fun its always good for them to get to do this since I spend SO much time with Colby its good for him just to have his daddy every now and then! The meeting at church went well! I am really excited about all that God has in store for our church. Its been a rough past couple of months I just hope we can start a new year fresh and hopefully get a lot of new people in! Colby will be promoting to the 1 year old or toddler class. I am glad that he will now have new teachers instead of just his mommy but I have to say I will miss him. I didn't think I would ever want to "teach" my own child but it really was fun! He has done really well too...I thought he would always be really clingy to me but he wasn't he always let me tend to other kids if I needed to which was good! But now he is a big boy so he will be in a new class and I will be split between the pre-toddlers or creepers and the 3's. My heart is really with the babies but I am filling in with the 3's until they can find someone else or I get some children in my class. Right now we have no kids that age. So I might be waiting until Cade promotes. He is only 3 months now so it will be awhile. Maybe by January? Anyway I know God will place me where I need to be for the time being and will use me wherever I am needed! I just feel like I do better with the babies right now since that is what I am used to! Who knows though! Well I better close for tonight! I have included some pictures though of my little dino!

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