now by big boy at 19 months!
Wow I can't believe my lil man is another month older. He is 19 months today! Hard to believe! A year ago he was just 7 months. He was just learning to sit up well and play with toys. He wasn't even mobile yet!
Colby is learning so much these days. He recognizes 4 or 5 letters of the alphabet. He is really expressing an interest also in learning new words. He can repeat a few things he hears. "okie dokie" "eight or ate" the sound "h" are just a few of the new things he has said lately. He still loves trucks and dogs. He is getting a little more interested in tv. He likes Sesame Street a lot and Dora and Diego. He also likes Between the Lions. He loves seeing letters on tv. I bought him a letter DVD but haven't used it yet. He just seems so anxious to learn.
He loves climbing and can climb on just about any piece of furniture in our house. He is also really into playgrounds and slides now. We have been taking him to a local park a couple times a week recently and he loves it! He really enjoys the outdoors which I am thankful he doesn't seem like he will be a couch potato. He also loves going places. In fact now we have a hard time spending an entire time at home. I used to enjoy those quiet days when he was a baby when we didn't HAVE to go anywhere now he gets upset and begs to leave the house atleast once a day! He still enjoys eating. He will eat pretty much anything you give him. He is still eating very healthy though. He loves his fruits and veggies. He will scarf down a banana or strawberries every morning before his oatmeal. He is also addicted to Gerber puffs and yogurt melts. I figure if he has to snack atleast these are good ones. He likes nilla wafers since being introduced to them by his girlfriend's mommy. Thanks Mrs. Kim and Cameron! I bought them awhile back and he wouldn't eat them but I guess if they are good enough for Cameron they are good enough for Colby! He still loves mac n cheese. He likes chicken and pretty much any type of pasta. He will also eat lunchables now.
He is wearing some size 2t clothes now but can still wear his 18-24 month stuff too. His 2t pants are still long so we have to roll them up. He is in size 5 diapers still. He naps once a day for about 2-3 hours. He goes to bed around 8 and wakes up around 8 every morning. I am so thankful he is a great sleeper! Although I think a lot of that has to do with how he is raised but that's another topic for another day! He's a wonderful boy! He's very active but he really isn't bad. He listens pretty well and I can pretty much trust him around the house. He makes messes but doesn't get into anything really bad or do anything that can't be picked up easily. He really isn't into "art" yet but that might come with age. He gave up bottles in the last month. He now has a new bedtime routine of a story, songs, prayer then he gets tucked in. He seems to enjoy a different book each night. I am hoping he will be like me and love to read!
He is still taking Gymrompers classes. He loves it! I know he has learned so much from it! He just seems to enjoy and soak up every experience so its fun going new places with him! I love my little fellow! Happy 19 months Colby!!!
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