enjoying it for a moment
So I try to come up with creative things for Colby to do when we are stuck at home. So today was one of those days. I thought I had some really cool large rubber stamps and some really large ink pads I would let Colby try that out. Its actually a recommended activity for the Sunday School class. So we got everything set up and I put Colby in his highchair its really the only good place I have right now for him to do that type stuff. He needs a little kid table and chairs! Well he liked the stamps and he got the hang of stamping it but after about 2 minutes he was done. This is how all of our "projects" have been thus far. I guess I get discouraged b/c I want him to really enjoy it and to keep him busy for atleast 10 minutes but I guess he's just not there yet.
I was telling a friend how right now he is so into his gross motor skills that he doesn't really have much interest in the fine motor skills just yet. This probably normal and I'm sure once he is in school he will develop his fine motor skills a lot more. I guess I just want to do these little "Creative" things with him and he's just not ready yet. He likes them for a small amount of time just not very long. I do want to get him a little table and chairs where he can sit and do art. Maybe then he would like it more.
I think it is early yet for you to be worried about that. It will come in time.