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aww bailey
What a week this has been! It began last Sunday with the Saints winning the Superbowl! Mardi Gras had also offcially kicked off in the city also! With all this going on we had a sick child at home. So not much celebrating for us! The Saints had a parade Tuesday night but we didn't get to go! Man did I want to go! I have not always been a HUGE Saints fan and I wouldn't claim to be an avid one like some people but since Katrina I have to say I have been a Saints fan. This year I have watched every game start to finish. I also knew this parade would be a big thing and it was history. If we hadn't had a kid we might have gone. Austin also had to work Tuesday and he left work at 5 and we did contemplate going down there but it took him over 2 hours to get home. So we knew it would take us another 2 to get there and then it would all be over!
Like I said this week we have been dealing with Colby and the stomach bug. We haven't done much of anything. Between trying to get him well and not wanting to expose anyone else plus the cold weather has had us in.
We did go to Gymrompers Tuesday just because he needed something to do. He had a blast too and acted like he felt fine. Actually all week besides the whining he has pretty much acted fine. He still plays. He would also still eat but you had to sorta force him until like Wednesday or Thursday night. Wednesday we planned to go to church but he had another HUGE blowout so we stayed home. Thursday he was diarhea free which was great! So by then his appetite was back in full force! I feel like since then he has been eating anything and everything in sight!
Thursday we went to my parent's house. We knew we had to get out and do something! So we hung out over there and ate lunch. I think we all enjoyed it! I don't know who has more fun my parents or Colby. Colby was a ham for his grandparents too ofcourse! He learned 2 new words while he was there: "okie dokie" and "more". Me and my mom also made him flash cards of the letters he knows and he was able to show them how he knows letters. He knows the N, H, D, and L. He also was a big boy by climbing up the stairs and coming down on his bottom. I tried to teach him this at Christmas I didn't realize he actually paid attention though ha.
Yesterday the weather was completely nasty. It was just cold and rainy. It seemed like everyone else was having snow but no white stuff here. I really kinda hoped that we would wake up to some flurries but no such luck. It would have been fun to have a "snow" day with Colby. We had one last year but he was only 4 1/2 months and not really sure of what was going on! This year I would have loved to see him actually play in it! Well by that afternoon I think we both had cabin fever so we left the house to visit the Ketchum's. Kathy Rupple is staying over there she is in town from Japan. She was one of my teacher friends from Calvary. It was good to visit and just get out of the house. Colby was a ham for them too! I think he really enjoyed Jamie and the doggie. After that we went to the post office to mail out his Valentine's!
Today was a beautiful day. This is the kinda weather I like! Its cold but sunny! When I woke up today and saw how pretty it was I decided Colby and I needed some type of I called my parents and asked if they wanted to meet us at Barnes and Noble. I wanted to go there to get a Disney 2010 book since we are going in December! I also thought the children's area would be a good place for Colby to play and burn off some energy! He had a blast. My mom also found a few "classic" books to get him also. I found the book "goodnight nola" and had to get that for him as well! What a perfect bedtime story! I can't wait to read it to him. Since he has no longer been drinking out of a bottle at bedtime we now read a story every night! He actually sits and listens too which I am quite proud of! After we left the bookstore we decided we would also take him to the park. It was too pretty a day not to let him play outside. He had a great time and my parents got a kick out of seeing him play too. I realized we need to be doing stuff like this more often. I mean he does get to see my parents several times throughout the week but now that he is getting to where he loves outtings we need to have a special one with the grandparents each week. These will be such special memories for him as he grows up. It was also so sad when we got home and they left. My mom planted many kisses on his cheek but when she set him down and closed the door he stood there and cried. This actually happens about half of the times they leave. I know it makes their heart hurt. I'm sure there were many factors, tired, hungry and sad to see his fun with the grandparents end. I am glad he has the chance to hang out with them and have them to love on him so often!
The rest of the day was spend with Colby and I at home since our daddy is off at work since its Mardi Gras time. Tonight my friend Laura came over which was really nice just to have someone to talk to and pass the time. Thanks Laura for keeping me company!
So we haven't been to any more parades we may try to catch some Tuesday if Austin is off. I haven't been to Mardi Gras day parades in years so it would be fun to see a little REX and ZULU and let Colby experience some more of what living in NOLA means! Oh and Valentine's is tomorrow. Stinks that my hubby is in the hotel and can't come home. It really doesn't even seem all that exciting. Although Colby does get to celebrate tomorrow at church so that will be fun! I probably won't let Colby open up his stuff from us until tomorrow night or Monday night when Austin comes home. Austin and I don't really plan to celebrate until later in the week we may do dinner and let my parents keep Colby for the night!
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