Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer Days

Well it seems like summer time now even though the calendar does not say it comes for a couple weeks! Now that kids are out of school and its so hot it feels like its summer. The crepemyrtles are also in full bloom which tells its summer time in the south. Its a little concerning though how pretty the pink ones are. This is how they were the summer BK (Before Katrina). There is a wives tale that tells if the crepemyrtles are very pretty we are going to have a bad hurricane season. Weather predictors are also predicting a bad one...some even say similiar to the year of Katrina. We are sure praying not. I pray every day we don't have another bad one especially since this oil spill. Louisiana or the Gulf Coast do not need any more disasters. We are on day 5 and I plan on counting down and praising God each day we make it without a storm! We have only had to evacuate once since Colby was born and that was September 08 when he was 5 weeks old. We would go to Hattiesburg to my parent's apartment which wouldn't be bad I just don't want to think though of packing all or our stuff and leaving.
So back to what we have been up to...yesterday was just a boring day. We had to go grocery shopping. Those days are boring I know for Colby because that is really all we have time to do and he doesn't get to expel his energy. Therefore, those days he never naps well either. But its something we have to do once a week so we just deal with it. He is very well behaved in the store though and I think he likes the outting its just he can't run around to get out all his energy. So yesterday was kinda a long day...and on top of that it rained all day so we couldn't even really get outside afterwards. We finally did play in the front and he pushed his grocery cart around on the driveway and sidewalks. Austin also got home late which didn't help!
Today I decided we would go hang out at my parent's house. They haven't seen Colby much this week well since Monday. We also hadn't been swimming this week. So we headed over there first thing this morning to get in the pool. Colby did so well! Its amazing to watch him each time we swim he learns something new! I have a feeling he will do well in swim lessons. I think by next summer he should be swimming on his own. He uses floaties right now but has learned to jump or push off the side then kick to where he wants to go and turn around and go back! Pretty impressive for a 1 1/2 year old! I am so glad he is comfortable in the water. That is how I always was. I can't imagine not getting this experience for my child. Its so important I believe but so many of my friends with kids Colby's age have never even been in a real pool...sad!
After we swam we hung out and ate lunch. While my mom (Grammy) was cooking lunch Colby sat at the counter like a big boy and played with cars/trucks and colored some! He was so cute sitting up there! I wish I had my camera....I am so upset I have been forgetting my camera all week! I am gonna try and remember to pack it tomorrow for church atleast! I like going over there and swimming and then staying until close to 1 because by the time we get home Colby is worn out and goes straight down for his nap! He should sleep until 4:30 too which gives me a nice break! Hopefully Austin will be in around 5:30 too...that would be great! I am looking forward to the next 2 days having him off we should have some fun family time!

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