Thursday, June 17, 2010

Trip to the Doc

So we finally bit the bullet and decided this morning to go ahead and take Colby to the doc. My plan was if he woke up and the rash was still there or worse we would go ahead and go. After researching last night I had pretty much figured it was viral probably Roseola but it ofcourse doesn't hurt to hear it from the doctor even though I knew there was nothing they could do.
He woke up this morning and the rash seemed a little worse. He wouldn't eat much for breakfast either so I called and they were able to get us in at 9:30.
Colby hates the doctor so the whole process is usually an ordeal...and fortunately since he isn't sick often though he doesn't go much so he is still freaked out. Well it didn't help today when we got there and the nurse wanted to weigh him on the infant scale....I was like helloo he is almost 2! Plus he has been on the "big boy" scale since he was 15 months. Ofcourse Colby freaked out and she decided she would put him on the big boy scale after all. He did much better there. He weighed in around 31 lbs. Again he isn't keen on the doctor so he clings on for dear life the minute he walks in. Dr. Guy did bring bubbles today which made it better but he still freaked out for the whole examination. He checked him out real good and came out with its good news its viral and the rash means its almost gone. He never used the word Roseola but I'm pretty sure that is what Colby has. Like we figured there is no treatment it just has to run its course. While we were there though the Doctor looked at his records and saw he needed 2 more shots. This suprised me b/c at 15 months I swore they told me he was all caught up until he was going to school. I wasn't prepared at all for that. I didn't want to refuse them so they went ahead and did it. I guess in a way its good to get them done now while he's sickly so when he's better he'll be better for good but I also hated for him to feel more pain when he's been through so much this week! He was not happy with the visit at all....well our original plans were to take him to the zoo but we knew by the time we got there and just with Colby being sick we better not go today. We decided we would still go uptown though and go to Whole Foods. Colby was horrible the whole time. This is not like him at all...usually he enjoys the grocery store but since he was feeling crummy and probably still mad about the doctor's hungry b/c he refused most of his breakfast this morning he melted down the whole time!
Once we got home though he ate like a champ which made me feel so much better...we had picked him up a slice of pizza from whole foods. He ate almost the entire piece plus fruit, applesauce, gerber cheese puffs, and regular puffs. I know poor thing was starving! I was just happy to see him eat! The rest of the day will probably be low key for us...Austin's parents are coming in so we have to get the house ready for that. I am just glad we know Colby should be well soon! And praise God it was nothing serious!

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