Broc loves blocks and puzzles
Cade loves the farm
Sunday School is so much fun!
Watching tv with daddy!
Wow I can't believe the weekend is almost over already! Well we still have half of today to go but Sunday afternoons we usually don't do much. So let me recap the weekend so far:
Yesterday Colby and I went to the grocery store first thing. I know we just went Thursday afternoon but that was just a quickie...yesterday was my real grocery shopping for the week. It didn't take long we didn't have too much to get just the basics some stuff to make jambalaya and some breakfast stuff for Colby and I for the week.
When we got home I decided I would start potty practice again with Colby. This is like my 4th attempt. I know he can hold it but he hasn't ever peed or pooped on the potty. So yesterday I put him in big boy underwear (this was his 2nd time). The first time if you recall he was standing in a puddle like 5 minutes after having them on. Well he kept them dry for like 10 minutes so then I asked him if he wanted to try to use the bathroom. He did not so I thought I would let him run around with no bottoms to try to catch him in the act so I could set him on the potty. He held it for a good 30 minutes more. Well by that time my friend Laura was on her way so I just had to put him in a pull up. I had stuff to do around the house and couldn't keep my full attention on my child going to the bathroom. Well sure enough as soon as he got the pull up on he peed. So I know he can hold it...thats a good its just gonna take enough time and patience for me one day to let him run around in the nude until he goes and we can try and make it in the potty.
Once Laura got there we visited for a little while while Colby was awake but soon it was his lunch and naptime. I was glad it worked out to where he was going to be asleep for most of the visit. It was hard to really visit with her while he was awake. Once he was asleep we got some lunch and just hung out and talked. It was nice to get that time to visit with someone and it made the time go by faster. She left about 3 so I napped for about an hour until Colby woke up. The rest of the afternoon him and I played and I cooked jambalaya and green beans for us. Austin got home early to mow the yard. So Colby and I played out there some too. Its just so hot...I hate we aren't getting out as much as we usually do and we aren't walking much either but the heat index has been over 105 most of the week. After Colby went to bed last night Austin and I got to sit down and watch a movie together that was nice too.
Today was church day which has been a very busy day. Starting in Sunday School we had Colby, Cade, and Broc. I just love it when all 3 boys are there. They were all 3 really good. We did an art project coloring a poster board with markers to hang up in our classroom. They all 3 contributed. Broc mainly but the other 2 made atleast a mark or 2. They all get a long really well too which is fun to see. I even had Colby saying "Broc" and "Cade" this morning before church. I was supossed to have extended care today during church but I had opted out since our friend Josh was preaching this morning. I think they had 5 in Colby's class. He seemed to do really well. He cried a little when I was fixing to leave but quit by the time I left him.
After church there was a meeting for VBS so my parents brought Colby home. The lunch/meeting went really well. I was excited about how organized they are and I am also excited about participating in VBS. Its been several years since I have helped out. 2 years ago I was having Colby that week and last year I felt Colby was still too little to go with me. This year he is going to attend with me. He will be in the toddler class. This class is only for teacher's kids though. I am teaching the 3s, 4s, and 5s. I am excited about teaching. It gives me something to use my gifts through. I love teaching my little Sunday School class so VBS should be fun!
Once I got home my afternoon was pretty short though because my parents were going back up to church tonight so I had to pick Colby up right after his nap. It was ok though because Austin got home early so that really helps! In fact he went to pick us up some dinner. We are looking forward to relaxing tonight and spending time as a family!
We had a great night...we ate dinner as a family then played outside. Colby went swimming in his baby pool and we even hooked his slide up to it and created a water slide he thought that was a blast! He was such a happy fellow all afternoon. He was running a low grade fever earlier in the day but I attribute it to teeth. He is getting his 2 year molars in. He has shown no other symptoms and doesn't even act like he was feeling bad. By bedtime he didn't have a fever anymore so hopefully it was a teething fluke and not the oncome of a virus! We are looking forward to a great week!
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