Colby's camo shorts
Wants to be just like his daddy!
Yesterday me and my home hosted a baby shower for my friend Laura. We held it at my mom's house because of space issues. Our house is just not condusive for a big gathering like that. The shower was a lot of fun! I love baby showers and also enjoyed the time away and opportunity to visit with other adults! Austin was able to keep Colby though which was nice. I think the shower turned out really was mostly church people it was nice to visit with those ladies outside of church. Most Sundays are soo hectic with teaching Sunday School and having Colby in tow I feel like I never truly get to visit with people.
Laura got lots of fun things I love watching people open baby presents! I can't believe my baby is not really a baby anymore!
So today being Sunday is ofcourse church day! It started out on a bad note in our house I know Austin and I were both just tired, grumpy. Colby hasn't been sleeping very well again so he didn't go to sleep until after 9 then was up around 1:30 then up for the day around 6 or so. So anyways I began looking for some shampoo I had stuck back and couldn't find it and basically it just ended up in a crazy argument of Austin moving it and not remembering where it went and me not putting things away! I feel awful now that that is the mood we left our house in on a Sunday morning! I know Colby could feel the tension as well. He has this one phrase or words he says when he can tell we are arguing and he kept doing it over and over. Poor guy although I know reality children have to see their parents disagree from time to time and we do try to stress to him that we still love each other. I just hate when Sunday mornings become stressful. Its so cliche for families to be fighting at home or in the car then turn on their "church" faces when they get to church and I know we are all guilty of this!
So we made it to church and I tried to keep my mind in the right frame. Today in Sunday School we were going to be finger painting so I tried to set up that station right away. Things were a little hectic today because we moved down to the 2 year old room since Colby and Broc have promoted but have no teacher. So I was running back and forth from the 1 year old room trying to get all my supplies. We also had a new teacher today that is going to be helping us. All of these changes plus our crazy morning I am not sure made Colby in a mood. Or maybe he's still working on those 2 year molars or maybe he's overtired due to not sleeping well lately. He wasn't bad just a little more out of sorts then usual! He cried like 4 times over something which is unsual for him. I think all the boys enjoyed the painting and we got them to make a cute picture of their handprints to hang in the classroom.
I prayed Colby would be better for the extended care workers which were Cade's mom and Lauren the preschool director. They all said he did well and I wasn't worried about him back there since I know them so well plus Jana our pastor's wife is always back there and I know she watches out for him! He did well at lunch after which was good but when he was done eating he was ready to go! Now thankfully we got home and he has been asleep for 2 1/2 hours. He needs the rest! Austin and I also got long naps which was nice!
We are going to enjoy the rest of the afternoon/evening as a family and relax!
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