Thursday, September 16, 2010

Daddy Day and Colby's 3rd Day of School

This has been a really great week! Our kitchen finally got finished praise God! Its so nice! It was definitely worth all the inconveniance! I love cooking now and somehow don't even mind cleaning it right now (that may change in time though) ha.
Yesterday Austin was off which was sooo nice! He had been working for 7 days straight which always makes for a long week for us. We decided to go across the river and work in the nursery at church. Colby has been promoted to the 2 year old class but right now there is no teacher/leadership in that class. We have taken it on ourselves to maintain and keep up the class. I will still be the teacher of the 1s and for right now we will combine the two age groups until more kids make that too hard to do or we can find more qualified leaders. There are only 3 kids in that age range so it only makes sense to combine. The 2 year old class has not really had a teacher in 2 months so the room has gotton a little chaotic...the previous teacher did keep the room nice so there wasn't a whole lot of work to do. I wanted to rearrange the furniture though and do away with this big ugly room. I also took down all the old artwork from the previous class and hung up Bible Verses around the room. I am now excited about this new room for Colby. We will probably flip flop between this room and the toddler room though. I don't want to abandon my other class b/c I really like it too! So when its just Colby and Cade the younger ones we will stay in my old class but when Broc comes who is 2 1/2 we will move to the more suitable class for 2 year olds. Colby really enjoys both classes.
After we worked for about 45 minutes we went to BabiesRUs to get a baby gift. Its rare we go out there because it is so far. I have probably only been about 3 times total. I really wanted to buy some footie pjs for Colby b/c that is about the only place you can find them in his size but they weren't out yet. After shopping we went out to eat for lunch then came home. We had a wonderful afternoon just being together the 3 of us. We cooked the first meal in our kitchen and once again it was nice just to have that time as a family of 3.
Today was Colby's 3rd day of school. Once again we talked about it some yesterday and this morning while getting ready. He seems to really understand. He was fine when I dropped him off. He looked a little sad but didn't cry. When I picked him up he was laughing and just having a grand time so I knew he had a good day! He also came home with his first homework! Its an all about me page. We have to fill it in along with pictures for a project they will make at school! I can't wait to see it! It makes me so excited...I guess that's the teacher in me! I look forward to these things! Well hopefully Colby will take a nice long nap he has been out for a little over an hour...I love that school wears him out too! I am so happy we put him in MDO this year...I don't feel guilty at all it seems as if he is loving it and I am loving my time away as well! It makes me a better mom when I am with him!
I also had MOPS today right down the street from Colby's school. Today we learned about gardening and plants. It was fun and educational. It got me excited about planting things. I want to plant some plants for Colby and I to work on together...he is getting interested in nature now so I think this will be fun! We also decorated pots...we had the option of planting one but I figured it would be more fun to pick up some seeds with Colby and plant something especially for him!

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