Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Today has been a wonderful day and its not even over so I am looking to enjoy the next few hours with my little family as well but right now the hubby is out running errands and the little one is sleeping so I have time to catch up on blogging!
It was so nice to not have to rush off somewhere this was honestly the first morning we had had to ourselves where we were all 3 home and had no where to be early in quite sometime. It was a wonderful feeling. Even though we weren't able to sleep past 6:30 due to our early bird little boy it was nice drinking coffee, watching the news, catching up on some chores, and just playing with Colby.
We did head to my parent's house around 9:30 but it wasn't rushed since we had 3 hours to hang out at home. We went over early so we could take Colby swimming. As always he had a blast. Our friend Laura met us there too. Colby was wild though...I think he was trying to show off with someone else being there. We finally even had to put his floaties on b/c he was being such a little show off. He fell off into the water in the deep end for one thing. It didn't even bother him but later he fell into the hottub luckily he had on the floaties then though but that did scare him. I finally had to reprimand him for being wild. He isn't normally like that in the pool. We did swim for awhile though which was nice. I wanted to really enjoy it knowing we won't be swimming many more times. Usually Labor Day is the last official day I get in but this year since Colby loves it so much I figure we will swim as long as the pool is atleast 80 degrees.
After swimming we all got cleaned up then it was pretty much time for lunch. Randall and Elizabeth came over to join us for lunch which was nice. It was fun visiting with everyone and Colby was soo good! Its usually hit or miss with him at holiday lunches like this but today he was awesome...he's getting easier and better at these types of things. It was a lot harder when he was a baby! We decided not to put him down for his nap at my parents house so he was a little later then his normal nap but he hung in there very well! Like I say when he was like 6-9 months old it was so much harder b/c you had to feed him baby food and then he was still having a bottle so there was so much more to do then it was more necessary to put him down for a nap.
He ended up sacking out in the car which my parent's house is not far from here so we knew he had to be exausted. He stayed half asleep all the way in the house so I just layed him in his bed and took his shorts off and underwear and slipped on a pullup...he cried for a minute so I sat down beside his bed but he was asleep in 5 minutes!
He took about a 2 hour nap but since has been up and been a little cranky. I think he's still tired but I think he was also groggy because he has livened up a little I'm just praying he's not getting sick again. I don't think he is but still he was soo good this morning now he's in a mood...although I guess he's usually more well behaved in the morning then the afternoon it seems after nap until dinner time is the hardest part of the day because after dinner he usually gets in a good mood again until bedtime! I think we are just going to eat leftovers for dinner and take it easy this evening!
Not sure what all our week holds this week or what we will do tomorrow...if nothing comes up Colby and I will probably make a visit to the park!

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