Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun Friday

Today was one of those days I feel like we created some special memories for Colby. We didn't do anything extravagant but it was just a fun, special day. It began with Colby and I going to the church this morning. My friend Kristie and her son Cade were going to be up there getting ready for our church's Fall Fest. I told her Colby and I would come visit. Colby and Cade are good friends. They play together really well! I told her I would watch the boys while she worked. It was fun we played out on the playground then played in one of the Sunday School rooms. Both boys did really well and they get along great! They have known each other for almost 18 months...since Cade was born! They have been in the same Sunday School class since around May.
It was fun seeing them play and interact. They are really starting to play more together. Today it was monkey see monkey do! As soon as Colby and I got to the church Cade and Colby ran off together trying to escape upstairs! If these two boys get to grow up together I can see the messes they would get into haha.
We were up there for about 2 hours. Colby was so upset when we left too he didn't want to go. I had to bribe him by letting him play on the other playground before we left. Again I had to drag him away he was having so much fun! I think he was just enjoying the beautiful, fall weather.
After Colby's nap today we went outside. This was nothing out of the ordinary we do this every day, hot or cold, rain or shine because we have a covered patio. We usually only stay out though about 30 minutes before Colby wants back in. But once again he was enjoying the weather so much I had to bribe him in after almost 2 hours! He was having so much fun! I am so glad he likes the outdoors so much and can entertain himself! He was running, jumping, doing flips off the playground, and running down the slide, and going down head first! He was full of it! We even rode his tricycle some. He still hasn't gotton the pedal thing down. He can pedal down the driveway by himself because of the incline but has trouble on the flat sidewalk. Hopefully with the weather cooling we can practice more.
Tonight when Austin got off work we decided to order pizza. We don't get pizza a whole lot but one thing I remember as a child was ordering pizza on Friday nights and probably staying up later then the rest of the week. I want to start this with Colby. He loves pizza as any child does. So we ate pizza then took a walk. We wouldn't have normally gone because it was almost 7:15 by the time we finished dinner and Colby always bathes at 7:30 but I figured since it was Friday and Austin was off tomorrow we would go ahead with it. The weather is just too nice not too! Plus Colby finally got to wear his Halloween shirt and sweatshirt today so I wanted him to get a little more use out of it! He looked so cute!
Again he had a blast and didn't want to come in...he actually ran most of the way. It was so cute watching him run through people's yards. He has so much energy! I love that about him! When we got in we let him stay up for a little while and play. Again usually we would rush him to the tub. We also danced to Monster Mash in his bedroom which he thought was halarious! Then we closed the evening with a Pumpkin story to read.
Once again nothing crazy out of the ordinary but it was a fun special night that we made memories I hope he remembers when he is an adult! I know I will cherish this night for years ot come! Looking forward to a fun filled weekend stay tuned!

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