Friday, October 1, 2010

Losing Patience

This is just one of those weeks where I feel like my patience is gone. Sometimes I wish I were a more patient person...I feel like I am pretty patient except on these days like today where just about anything makes me lose it! Its been a long week because Austin has been working until 8 every night. Dealing with an active 2 year old from 6:30 am until 8 that night when he goes to bed is HARD work. Now don't get me wrong I am so grateful I have a child to deal with. And I am grateful he is so healthy to be that active. And I am grateful that my husband has a good job that provides for us so that I can stay home. But with all that said sometimes I just want to scream and pitch a fit! The first day Austin worked until 8 Colby was really good. We also went to the park that day. I notice a trend with Colby that if he gets his energy expelled in the morning by being outside or doing something active he is usually pretty good the rest of the day. And maybe I was more patient that day as well.
Yesterday Colby had school so I had somewhat of a break and he took a long nap which was awesome. He was very active after but least I had the first half of the day off! Now today has been awful! I hate that I didn't get him out more but it was just our day of the week where we had to stay home. We usually have 1 day a week like that and it usually falls on Saturday but this week it fell today. We did get out this morning to run to the church to drop off stuff for tomorrow's pumpkin party but that was it. So Colby got to play a little there but not as much has he obviously needed. His naptime was horrible he probably only slept an hour if that and he was just active and into everything today! Some days I feel like he just makes HUGE messes and today was one of those days. I just gave up by about 4 and said the heck with it...I gave up trying to clean up after him! I know I was probably mean today to him but its a hard line to be strict and not let him walk all over me and be I was mean. I feel guilty but I am mentally, physically, and emotionally wore out. Being a housewife is hard. Don't get me wrong I love it! But sometimes its soo tiring. I feel like I have to worry with the house all day plus keep my active 2 year old occupied and I get no downtime no adult interaction some days. And with Austin working late it just all mounts up. I miss Austin and I hate the evenings where we don't get to hang out as a family! I know this is just temporary but the days just seem so long sometimes! I am ready for a family vacation! We want to go to Gulf Shores before the end of the year just the 3 of us and I think it would do us good just to be away from everything else!
Sorry about my venting tonight but I feel better if I write my feelings down! I pray that tomorrow will be a better day and that God will forgive my ugly attitude at times today and grant me more patience tomorrow.
Tomorrow Colby does have a pumpkin party so that should be fun and hopefully will wear him out! Plus I love Saturdays with college football on tv!

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