Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just a Quiet Week

This is one of those weeks where we aren't doing much other then our daily routine which is sometimes nice. I feel like the last few have been so busy its nice to know this week doesn't hold much for us! Next week will be busy so I am enjoying the quiet while it lasts!
Yesterday Colby and I had no where to be so we just had one of our park dates then went to Petsmart. Colby had fun at the park but there were no other kids there so after like 20 minutes he was bored and ready to go. He enjoyed the animals at Petsmart though. Other then that we stayed home all day and Austin didn't get home until 7 so it was a long, quiet day!
Today has been much the same except Colby had school from 9-12. What was nice about today was I got to come home all by myself! This is the first time this has happened since Colby has been in school. We have either had work going on, or Austin was off or something so it was nice to come home and enjoy those 3 quiet hours. I even picked up pancakes from McDonald's to celebrate. I would have made pancakes b/c Colby loves them too but I couldn't justify making a whole batter for just him and I plus school mornings I don't have as much time. So honestly it was nice to eat them in peace! I got some housework done and just quiet time while he was away. When I picked him up they said he was really good. He has school pictures tomorrow which I am so excited about! His first school pictures! He also has his first field trip next week as well! This is the fun stuff about him going to school! Ofcourse his field trip is just at the church in their pumpkin patch but still it should be fun! I get to go help out as well so that will be cool!
The rest of the day we don't have much planned we will probably play outside and just enjoy our time around the house!

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