Wow I can't believe this Christmas has come and gone! Its surely been a very different one! I can't believe its Colby's 4th Christmas and Lindsay's 1st. The Christmas season didn't feel as fun as it usually does due to me recovering from having a baby and Lindsay being so tiny we couldn't get out and do as much as we normally do. I tried to soak it all up from home though! Colby was really into Christmas this year! He remembered so much from last year plus understood so much more! I know Lindsay won't remember this Christmas. Next year will be more exciting with a 4 and a 1 year old running around!
Christmas Eve was a pretty low key day for us. Austin and Colby ran a couple errands that morning while Lindsay and I stayed home and rested. We all took naps then headed to my parent's house. That was another part of Christmas that was different. We usually do dinner at my parent's house Christmas Eve then go back on Christmas morning to do gifts. This year with Christmas falling on a Sunday we had to do everything Christmas Eve. We opened gifts first then ate. Colby was definitely more into gifts then previous years. He still pretty much ran off and played with the first thing he opened though. My parents gave him a big tonka tractor. Lindsay pretty much slept through all this activity! We ate dinner and visited awhile. We had to head home early though. We now had 2 kids to bathe and get ready for bed on Christmas Eve then put together toys. We were able to put Linday to bed first then we were able to spend some time with Colby reading the Christmas stories and putting out cookies and reindeer food! It was so neat this year to really see the magic of Christmas through his eyes! I wish in some says I could have focused more on him though this season! I know next year will be a lot of fun though! Suprisingly we had both kids in bed by 9! We had all the Santa stuff done by 10! I was shocked! Austin and I had an hour to relax and watch Christmas movies then we woke Lindsay up at 11 to feed her one last time before bed. It was not fun having to wake up in the middle of the night with an infant though. Although Colby's first Christmas Eve was rough too!
Christmas Day was very busy for us. Colby woke up around 7:30 and Lindsay was minutes behind him. So we were busy opening presents and feeding a starving baby! It was hectic but fun! Colby loved all his new cars and parking garage and little town toys! It was so cute seeing him so excited. He also loved his new camera! It was a busy couple of hours between fixing breakfasts getting 2 kids and 2 adults dressed and showered but we made it out the door and to church before church started! I was so happy to be going back to church even though it was a lot of work to get us out the door! We let Colby go to the nursery during church. In some ways I would have liked to have sat as a family of 4 on this special day but we knew Colby would be happiest in the nursery with his friends and it would be hectic enough keeping an eye out for a newborn to crank up at any minute. I think there were about 5 kids total in the nursery. Lindsay ended up doing really well in church. We thought she would wake up needing to eat but she slept through everything. We were pleased b/c her brother never even did this. He always slept right through the music then woke up as the sermon started. We left a couple of minutes early though to get her changed and fed before heading home. After church we went to Mrs. Eva's for Christmas lunch. We weren't sure we would feel like going with 2 kids and being up half the night but we decided it would be depressing to come home and eat leftovers on Christmas day. We only stayed about an hour and half before heading home. Colby really enjoyed himself though and Lindsay did great too. She basically slept through the whole thing! We were all anxious to get home though and take naps. The rest of the day was pretty low key...Colby played with his toys and we put things away.
Monday the day after Christmas is usually our anual trip to Hattiesburg to do Christmas with Austin's family. We knew this year though things would be different b/c we didn't want to travel with Lindsay being this young. We finally came up with the idea of Austin and Colby going. I was glad that they were able to do this. I hated Lindsay and I missed it but glad that Austin and Colby got that time with family. Plus Colby has been asking when we were going back to Hattiesburg. We usually go quite often but we haven't been since early fall. I hear that he had a really great time. Austin said he even behaved very well. It was good for him to get out like this and play with his cousins. We will probably try and go back soon as a family when Lindsay is about 6 weeks old. Right now I am just too worried about colds/flu/rsv with such a little baby!
Christmas Eve was a pretty low key day for us. Austin and Colby ran a couple errands that morning while Lindsay and I stayed home and rested. We all took naps then headed to my parent's house. That was another part of Christmas that was different. We usually do dinner at my parent's house Christmas Eve then go back on Christmas morning to do gifts. This year with Christmas falling on a Sunday we had to do everything Christmas Eve. We opened gifts first then ate. Colby was definitely more into gifts then previous years. He still pretty much ran off and played with the first thing he opened though. My parents gave him a big tonka tractor. Lindsay pretty much slept through all this activity! We ate dinner and visited awhile. We had to head home early though. We now had 2 kids to bathe and get ready for bed on Christmas Eve then put together toys. We were able to put Linday to bed first then we were able to spend some time with Colby reading the Christmas stories and putting out cookies and reindeer food! It was so neat this year to really see the magic of Christmas through his eyes! I wish in some says I could have focused more on him though this season! I know next year will be a lot of fun though! Suprisingly we had both kids in bed by 9! We had all the Santa stuff done by 10! I was shocked! Austin and I had an hour to relax and watch Christmas movies then we woke Lindsay up at 11 to feed her one last time before bed. It was not fun having to wake up in the middle of the night with an infant though. Although Colby's first Christmas Eve was rough too!
Christmas Day was very busy for us. Colby woke up around 7:30 and Lindsay was minutes behind him. So we were busy opening presents and feeding a starving baby! It was hectic but fun! Colby loved all his new cars and parking garage and little town toys! It was so cute seeing him so excited. He also loved his new camera! It was a busy couple of hours between fixing breakfasts getting 2 kids and 2 adults dressed and showered but we made it out the door and to church before church started! I was so happy to be going back to church even though it was a lot of work to get us out the door! We let Colby go to the nursery during church. In some ways I would have liked to have sat as a family of 4 on this special day but we knew Colby would be happiest in the nursery with his friends and it would be hectic enough keeping an eye out for a newborn to crank up at any minute. I think there were about 5 kids total in the nursery. Lindsay ended up doing really well in church. We thought she would wake up needing to eat but she slept through everything. We were pleased b/c her brother never even did this. He always slept right through the music then woke up as the sermon started. We left a couple of minutes early though to get her changed and fed before heading home. After church we went to Mrs. Eva's for Christmas lunch. We weren't sure we would feel like going with 2 kids and being up half the night but we decided it would be depressing to come home and eat leftovers on Christmas day. We only stayed about an hour and half before heading home. Colby really enjoyed himself though and Lindsay did great too. She basically slept through the whole thing! We were all anxious to get home though and take naps. The rest of the day was pretty low key...Colby played with his toys and we put things away.
Monday the day after Christmas is usually our anual trip to Hattiesburg to do Christmas with Austin's family. We knew this year though things would be different b/c we didn't want to travel with Lindsay being this young. We finally came up with the idea of Austin and Colby going. I was glad that they were able to do this. I hated Lindsay and I missed it but glad that Austin and Colby got that time with family. Plus Colby has been asking when we were going back to Hattiesburg. We usually go quite often but we haven't been since early fall. I hear that he had a really great time. Austin said he even behaved very well. It was good for him to get out like this and play with his cousins. We will probably try and go back soon as a family when Lindsay is about 6 weeks old. Right now I am just too worried about colds/flu/rsv with such a little baby!
I feel very blessed this Christmas even though it was a different one! I look forward to lots of fun years ahead though with our 2 little blessings!
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