Thursday, December 15, 2011

Week 1

So we have officially been home with Lindsay now for 1 week. Its been a crazy, hectic first week but we have had fun in the midst of all the adjustments. I have to say its wayy harder then I ever thought it would be! Raising 2 kids is hard, balancing time for each child, plus Austin, plus myself is hard, Colby adjusting to being a big brother is hard. But each day gets better and a little easier.

So this will recap our first week:

Last Thursday Austin took Colby out of the house to run errands and visit a park. It was very helpful b/c it gave me one on one time with Lindsay. I remember thinking with Colby as a newborn that I never got time to myself but now just dealing with a newborn seems sooo easy!

Friday Colby had school. My parents came and picked him up and took him to breakfast before dropping him off at school. He seemed very excited about this special time with them. Lindsay had her 2 day doctor visit that morning. Everything went well at the doctor and she had actually gained an ounce back. She was slightly jaundiced but so was Colby at this time. They said that was normal for breastfed babies. After the appointment we came home for a short time before having to leave to pick Colby up. I was anxious to pick him up from school since it had been a week since I had been able to this! He seemed to be happy when we picked him up. All of the teachers wanted to sneak a peek of Miss Lindsay in the van though! The rest of the day we just hung out at home.

Saturday was a busy day! We woke up early again so Austin and Colby could get off to Colby's Santa pancake breakfast at his school. I really was wishing I could go with the 2 of them! But Lindsay being less than a week and me still recovering we thought it best for me to stay home with her! I just hate missing out on these special events with him though! Once they got back home we got ready for Austin's family to visit. It was going to be his sister's first time to see her since she was born on a Monday she wasn't able to come to the hospital. We enjoyed visiting with them all. Lindsay enjoyed all the holding I think...she slept almost the entire time! Colby loved all the attention and ofcourse playing with his cousins! I think it did him the most good! That afternoon we were all worn out though. We all took naps after they left!

Sunday was another busy day. Austin took Colby to church. Once again we aren't getting Lindsay out to stuff like that quite yet. We hope to bring her Christmas Sunday b/c by that point she will be almost 3 weeks. I miss being at church though but the quiet time with her was nice. Once they got home we ate lunch then all took naps again! So far we have really lucked out and have been able to get them both down for naps every afternoon at the same time. I am glad we are training her early b/c it will be great for them to continue doing this atleast for another year.

Monday Colby had school. We decided to all get up and go take him. I was anxious to take him to school since it had been over a week since I had been able to do so. We also wanted to bring Lindsay in to show his teacher. My parents were picking him up that day. I had an afternoon doc appointment. We were able to rest a little while before the appointment though. That afternoon when I talked to my parents though they told us his teacher had said he was a little sad at school. We later found out he cried...still not sure exactly why. This broke my heart. In the midst of being so emotional anyway with post pregnancy hormones to hear my baby boy was sad at school made for a very hard day. I felt so guilty and so helpless. He has never been sad at school. We aren't sure what happened but we wonder if us bringing Lindsay in there that morning and all the teachers fussing over her upset him. He's a very sensitive little boy and wise beyond his years I just wish I knew what was really going on in his little heart. That night also was rough. After dinner while we were all watching tv he threw up all over the floor. We panicked thinking it might be a virus or bug he caught from somewhere. We surely didn't need me or Lindsay to catch it. Thankfully though it never happened again and he seemed fine.

Tuesday we were having our house cleaned so we knew we all needed to get out the house even if for just a little while. We decided to go to the mall. We probably wouldn't have normally gotton Lindsay out this soon but our house is not big enough for 4 people to hang out while its being cleaned. Colby was excited about the outting and we thought it would be good for him. He ended up pitching many fits though and acted out horribly. Lindsay on the other hand slept through the whole ordeal. I was glad we got out but I was exausted after and I think so was everyone else!

Wednesday Colby had school. I let Austin take him while I stayed in with Lindsay. I figured it would be good to kinda take it easy. I did go with him though to pick him up. We forgot his juice though and he cried the whole way home. I am figuring out how tough being a mommy of 2 is! Its so hard to remember everything for each of them! He seemed to have a much better day at school though which I was thankful for!

Its hard to believe we have officially been a family of 4 now for a week! The time is going by! I am trying to soak up each moment with Lindsay b/c looking at Colby I know how fast she will grow up!

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