Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lindsay 2 Weeks

I can't believe our little girl has been here 2 weeks already! She's doing really well! Today we had her 2 week checkup. She is up to 7 lbs 6 oz. She has officially passed her birth weight. The doctor said she's looking great! She lost most of her cord last week but part of it is still there so we tried bathing her the night the majority of it fell off but it bled a little so we are waiting for it all to fall off before we bathe her again. She also developed a blocked tear duct Monday exactly her 2 week mark. This is exactly what happened with Colby also! It took about 4 months for his to completely go away. I'm hoping hers doesn't take that long! She is so far a really good baby like her brother. We are following babywise though and I really feel like that makes a HUGE diference. She's in a pretty good routine and I feel like things are falling in place. She is on a 3 hour eating schedule pretty much and sleeps for 3-4 hours at night. We have been putting her to bed between 9 and 10 and she wakes up around 12 or 1 then again at 4 or 5. She will usually sleep in though until about 8 or 9 in the morning which is nice. She has a couple periods of being awake for an hour or 2 during the day. She is very alert. I think she actually stays awake more then Colby did at this age.

So far she has ventured out to my doctor, the pediatrician, 2 malls, Target, Colby's school, and my parent's house. We have gotton her out a lot more then we did Colby. Its just hard to stay at home with an active 3 year old. Plus I don't think we are quite as paranoid with her as we might have been with Colby. We are still being cautious though and each time we get out she's bundled up in her carrier so no one is touching her. We plan to bring her to church Christmas morning. She will be just shy of 3 weeks. Colby was about 2 1/2 weeks his first time at church. I look forward to everyone seeing her and seeing how she does! Colby always did great during the music but then tuned up during the sermon so we'll see!

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