Everyone in the pool!
enjoying some sunshine!
Colby and Daddy in the pool
Colby's 2nd birthday cake
Opening presents from mommy and daddy at home
Birthday balloons and visit from Mrs. Doris the night before
Today my baby boy turned 2! His birthday party and actual birthday landed on the same day this year which was kinda cool! He woke up to presents first at our house. We got him a tricycle, a Little People farm set, and a truck puzzle.
He thought the tricycle was pretty cool he rode it all around the house...well we pushed him he hasn't quite figured out the peddles yet! Once we were all ready we headed to my parent's house for the party. It started at 10:30 so we had to get on the move. We got there and you could tell Colby knew something was up. He actually had a little "attitude" so I wondered how the day would go. Last year he was very fussy and overwhelmed at the whole idea. I thought this year would be the same. Once people started arriving he put on his "shy" act. He didn't want anything to do with anyone except Austin and I really. He did decide he wanted in the pool though. Once he got out there he slowly warmed up to the idea of so many people around. He put on a show too...they decided to let him go down the pool slide which he had never done before! And ofcourse my daredevil child loved it! He must have done it 10 times or more. He started by going down with Austin at first but by the end was sailing down by himself! Such a mess!
Once everyone was tired of swimming we went in and ate lunch. Colby was so good...he ate and ate. All the kids sat at one table together it was very cute! There were only 4 kids (Shelbi 6, Maggie 3 1/2, Colby 2, and Cade 1.) It was fun watching them all eat and then play together! After the kids ate they all played together for awhile before it was time to cut the cake. Colby at first did not want to stop long enough to have everyone sing to him...but once he saw the candle he was in awe. I think he got a little shy when we all sang to him too! He and I shared a piece of cake...he probably ate about half a piece. I knew he wouldn't eat a whole one nor did he really need to I didn't want any stomach aches this afternoon. He seemed to really like what he ate though...I would say he enjoyed it more then last year for sure!
After cake it was present time. Once again he didn't want to stop from his playing long enough to participate. He was quickly convinced though with the motorcycle toy his mawmaw and pawpaw got for him. Ofcourse though once he saw that he really didn't care about the other things so I opened all the presents for him. He would ooh and ahh over some stuff but not much reaction. I guess atleast we got them opened though...last year we didn't even open them at the party!
When the party was over we came home for naps. Colby did really well though hanging in there and not getting grumpy but we knew he was tired. Heck I was tired! We all rested for a few hours. Then we drove across the river to meet Austin's family for dinner. It was nice to get to hang out with them more. Colby had a blast at the restaurant and back at the hotel with his cousins. They were all so cute running around together! Its fun seeing him interact with them now!
All in all I think Colby had a wonderful birthday! We are so blessed to have so many friends and family who love our child! I know he is going to enjoy checking out all his new toys this week! It was a great day...birthdays are so special and I look forward to enjoying them all with him! I just don't want them to come too quickly! I can't believe he's 2 though! He's doing so many big boy things now! He is pretty much potty trained now and sleeping in a big boy bed! We also plan on getting rid of the paci soon...I wanted to do it today but with VBS all week and me not being here to put him to bed I don't think this is the week to do it so maybe the following week! He goes for his 2 year checkup Tuesday so I am anxious to see how tall he is mainly. We know he weighs about 31 lbs. He still wears a size 2T and probably will for awhile. His clothes fit him perfectly so I expect that he will be 2T until early next year! His growth has slowed down a whole lot! Looking forward to another wonderful year of many memories with him!
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