Sunday, July 18, 2010

VBS Day 1

Today was our first night of VBS. Our church does it from 6-9 pm. I really wish it were during the day it would work better for Colby and I but we have figured out a way to make the night thing work too!
Colby goes to his own class. There is a 1&2 year class for teacher's children only. Right now its only Colby and Cade in class together. We have worked out a plan of Austin picking Colby up at 7 each night. This way he is home and in bed as his normal bedtime would be. No cranky pants for us! I just feel like right now 3 hours is too long for him at night and with us living so far from the church the poor child wouldn't get to bed until 10! Since Austin was off today he brought us then just left with Colby at 7.
From what I hear (my mom is one of his teachers) Colby loved the open assembly. I am glad they decided to bring the toddlers in for the meeting time. I knew Colby would love the music and all the excitement! It is so cute to look back too and see him sitting in there like such a big boy! My mom said he clapped and danced along to all the music. After assembly the little ones have dinner delivered to their room which is also awesome! Tonight was hotdogs and a fruit cup. My mom had also brought grapes for the boys! They said he ate like a champ. He also had fun playing in the room. And Austin says he did great at bedtime even without me here! My little man is so big!
Ok onto my class...I am teaching the pre-k class this year. We had 9 children tonight. We had 3 boys and 6 girls. They were all very well behaved. I am the head teacher so I had to prepare and do most of the lesson and activities. It wasn't bad though...I really enjoyed it! I hope the kids are as well behaved every night as they were tonight!
I didn't get home though until about 9:45 so by the time I got ready for bed and watched the news its now 10:45 so I am going to be hitting the hay soon! We have a busy day shopping then day 2 of VBS! I wish I had pictures from today...I had hoped I would have time to go and get some of Colby in his class...hopefully before the week is over!

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