Half asleep and half awake in his big boy bed!
Well it felt wierd today to not have to be anywhere! For the last 2 weeks with swim lessons our days were very predictable! So we woke up today with no place to be but wanted to get out of the house for Colby to burn off some energy! My first thought was the library storytime but then realized it would be closed for the holiday...then I thought the park...then it rained! I was quickly running out of options! I didn't want to go across the river either!
I figured Barnes and Noble is fun...Colby loves the train table...we could just go and he could play and I could just look at books while he played! So that is what we did! He loved it too...I think he played for about 30 minutes while I just sat and watched or looked at children's books. I was tempted to buy more books but he has soo many! I figured I would wait and see what he got for his birthday!
After we left we just drove around for a little while...I would have liked to have stayed out longer I even tried calling a few friends to see if we could stop and visit but everyone was out of town. We came home and Colby enjoyed playing around the house.
I knew he probably wouldn't take a good nap since we didn't do a whole lot this morning. Sure enough at 1:40 he was still playing. I went and layed him down. I guess he went to sleep but then probably only slept a little over an hour before he was up! So the rest of the day he was kinda grumpy! Austin got home a little early thank goodness! We ate our pot roast, with potatoes, rice, and carrots for dinner. It was too wet to play much outside although we did let Colby out in the front right before his bath so he could burn off some energy! All in all it was a pretty nice day!
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