Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mommy's Lil Escape Artist

So since we converted Colby's bed to a big boy bed now he has recently discovered how to open his door as well! Its happened about 3 times in the morning and yesterday it happened at naptime. So far it hasn't been a huge problem though because he isn't getting out in the middle of the night. I am trying to not make a HUGE deal out of it yet b/c I think if I do then he will want to do it more...thats just how kids work!
So this morning he got out around 7:30. This was a first for him to come out this was also a first for him to get up while I was in the shower. The other times he has gotton up I have just been checking email or something so it wasn't a big deal...again I didn't make a big deal even this morning because atleast I was up and 7:30 isn't really early or anything. Now if it gets earlier then that or I'm still sleeping then I will be mad....I really didn't like him coming in while I was in the shower because it literally gave me no alone mommy time this morning which I so need! I love that quiet time I usually get before Colby wakes up. I hope this is not an end to that precious time! I need that time!
So this afternoon at naptime...I put him down like usual...he has never tried to escape at the beginning of naptime...yesterday it was around 2:30 and he had pooped so I let him slide then. Well a couple minutes after I put him down he was opening the door! I had to go in and really fuss and spank him. This is the first time I have really gotton upset with him about getting out but I don't want it to become a game. Coming out after all night or after awhile during naptime is one thing. Everyone keeps suggesting a baby gate and it might come to that but I really don't want it to. I want him to be a big boy and enjoy big boy responsibilities. We are going to keep working with him and let him learn the "right" times to enjoy freedom. We will probably invest in a baby gate for when we travel though. I am ok with him getting out at home but on vacation that will make me nervous! So that's all for now...I think he's taking a good nap today I haven't really heard him although we have had 2 very annoying phone calls for the wrong number !

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