Gosh my little boy is 20 months today! Hard to believe really! He's getting so big and looking like such a big boy all the time! He is talking a lot lately. He learns a new word about every week. And he is now starting to use a lot of the ones he learned a while back all the time! I don't think it will be long before he will start saying simple sentences. He already says "Whats that" and " I do". He wants to know what everything is. He still loves trucks and dogs. He also loves pretty much any animal. He adores being outside and would prefer being outdoors to anywhere else. He loves parks and has figured out the art of climbing, sliding, running, and stomping through puddles like any boy should! He also loves to be on the go. Which is a new thing for him. I used to feel like he liked staying home more then going places but now he wants to take a ride in the car or truck every day! He definitely keeps me on my toes! He's a good eater except this past week since he was sick but that is starting to go back to normal.
He probably weighs about 30 lbs and is 33 inches tall I think. He won't go back to the doctor until he is 2 unless we have to bring him because he is sick. He is in between size 18-24 months and 2T clothes. It just depends on what it is he can wear both right now. He is in a size 6 shoe but close to a size 7. He has crocs now and loves wearing them! He looks like such a big boy in his shorts and crocs! He is still in Gymrompers class and absolutely loves it! He climbs on just about everything there. He is a very sweet boy not aggressive at all with other kids. He is also very smart. He knows about 7 or 8 letters now which amazes me. I think he also knows some of his colors. He recognizes a lot of animals. He also knows nature items like trees, flowers, sun, bushes, etc.
His new favorite song is "If you are Happy and You Know it". He has known the clap your hands part for awhile but now he loves to lift his hands when you say shout hooorayy! Hopefully I can teach him stomp his feet before long! He knows where is nose is and his feet. He knows also where is hair is and how to brush it! I think he also knows tongue. We are working on eyes and ears. So thats him in a summary! I just can't believe he's not a baby anymore! He's closer now to 2 then 1 hard to believe I will have a 2 year old in a few months!!
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