Monday, March 29, 2010

A little tough love

So tonight at dinner we had to show Colby a little tough love. I'm sure some people would think we were being too mean or strict with him but I want Colby to be a good eater and not turn into a kid who has to eat the same thing at every meal.
So tonight we cooked grilled chicken, sweet potato fries, corn, and green beans. These are all things Colby loves! He was also starving by dinner time so I gave him a piece of cheese before dinner was ready which was probably a mistake. So I made him a plate first of green beans and corn b/c they were ready first. He did eat a lot of the green beans and a few bites of corn. Well then when we sat down to eat I figured he would eat the chicken b/c I gave him ketchup to dip it in and some sweet potato fries which he previously loved. Well he turned his nose up at all of it. I tried not to pressure him b/c usually if you just leave him alone he does better. He gets mad when you try to feed him or force him so I tried to ignore him but most of dinner he just sat there playing and such. So by the time we were finishing up we were both getting annoyed b/c he was throwing his cup and begging for more to drink after he had already guzzled his juice. I told Austin he was going to stay in his highchair for extra time then while we cleaned up. I didn't want to fight with him or spank him b/c I don't believe in turning mealtime into a fight b/c then it does truly become a power struggle. So my idea was ignore him and let him stay in there with no distractions for a little while. He fussed a little but I couldn't really see if he ate anything else. He might have eaten a couple bites but not enough to make a big difference but atleast he kinda saw that hey I played at dinner and refused to eat so I'm not going to be rewarded by playing right now. After about 10 minutes I did go in there and feed him his yogurt b/c I wanted him to have something in his tummy. He also slugged down his milk too. But I didn't even offer any other treat. Usually he gets vanilla wafers but not tonight. Its not like he even asked for any though.
So we aren't sure what actually is the source of tonight. It could be he was just wanting to play a toddler game or trying to be in control, or his teeth could be sore b/c he is working on a canine, or his throat might be a little sore b/c I think all 3 of us have a small cold. So anyways hope he enjoys his meals better tomorrow b/c he has been eating soo good this week! I guess thats just all part of it though! He was also probably really tired b/c I think he only napped about an hour today!

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